Ya know, I notice while I was riding down the street looking for something to eat, a LOT of business' are going out of business. Is it the economy? I think so. But some stores like Barbecue Grills (a store that sales nothing but grills) probably will go in debt during the cold seasons due to slow sales at the wrong time of the year and still trying to pay the rent for the space. Hmm...
Well, just so you know, that store is going out of business. (didn't see that coming)
Also! A lot of furniture stores are going out of business and some restaurants. And the sadist of them all, Circuit City is closing down!! Thanks a lot, Best Buy! (Nah, I actually like Best Buy)
Soooo...who's still in business?! I know the Dollar Store still doing pretty ok. Wal-Mart, Heck Yea! But the biggest business who's making the big bucks as of now, in my opinion, will have to be....(drum roll please!)
Those people who make the "Going Out Of Business" signs! Come on! That's all you see! And it's the SAME sign on different stores. Nothing different. Just big bold letters, in black, red and Yellow...some poor guy standing on the side of the street holding the sign up for a good 8 hours and when you actually go into the store...just huge percentage signs saying "60% off! 20% off! Everything MUST go!!" Yep, that's who I think is making all the money. The people who opened the sign shop probably told eachother, "One day, everyone is going to need a sign! And when they do, we'll be there..." Something like that.
I don't know, it was a funny conversation actually. I was talking to my boyfriend about it on the way to school, one day. He actually brought it to my attention. I noticed the signs but didn't notice that everyone was buying their signs from the same store!! Wow...
I hope things get better soon. Til then, you go, Going Out Of Business Sign Store!! :)
you mention your boyfriend in every post. if i didn't know better, i would say that you are obsessed with the guy.
It's not EVERY post I mention him. We just talk about a lot of stuff. Jeez...there's an difference between obsession and just loving someone, by the way....
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