Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Oh yea, and those who celebrate or just like to wear costumes and get candy,

Happy Birthday!!

Yet ANOTHER birthday this month. (October must be a good month to be born. LOL) My 1st cousin just turn 21 today! Yes, on Halloween. I felt bad for her when she was younger. People either told her she was bad luck, evil or she got jipped out of gifts! CANDY DOESN'T COUNT AS A GIFT!!! Anyway, she's coming into town so I guess we're gonna hang out. I hope it be fun. I got a funeral and a test to prepare for. *sigh*
Happy Birthday, little cousin!! I LOVE YOU!!!

First time for everything

So today, I got a chance to go out and vote. I'm mad I waited the last day to vote but I did get there extra early. What I thought was getting there 1st was actually like the 40th person in line. Still not bad. I got there at 6:15am. I was standing at the door alone. Then 2 ladies came up behind me. Then some other people. I was like, "Yay! I'm first." Then this guy came down and let us in out of the cold. When we went up the stairs, there was a line of people already waiting. The doors didn't officially open til 8:30, so we had a time to wait. I guess I didn't mind but my feet started hurting after a while. I spoke to 5 women who were close to me in line. It made the time go by fast, thank God. There was a lady in a pink pleather outfit looking like she came from the 80's. She was one of the people running the place but she came drunk. Why would anyone let her still work? After it turned 8:20am, they let us in the room where we could go to the machines. There wasn't many people getting upset or cranky, though there was this guy who got upset with these ladies who got in front of some other people-yet he was waaaaaaaay down the line. That's about it though. After I voted, I felt really good. It was an experience. Being that I was too young to vote last election (darn late birthdays). I'm happy I got to vote. I hope it counts. And I really hope that there isn't going to be any problems with the ballots. I heard about the reports on that and votes being stolen. Tisk Tisk...*sigh*


Thursday, October 30, 2008

I wonder

Does anyone ever wonder what's it like to be...dead? I do, all the time. It's strange how things happen the way they do. And it's even more strange when they happen more than once.
I never took too well to deaths and I still don't. But as I got older, I start to feel numb a lot. Like after I cry one HUGE cry. I just sit there and think a lot and then I wonder what's it like to be dead. Is it like how it is on TV? Does your spirit fly over everyone and you watch them weep over losing you? Do you go to heaven or hell or just get stuck in limbo? Or do you just stay in the ground and you don't have no sort of memory at all? I wonder because everyone has their own kind of saying what happens to people when they die. Some say, "their in heaven looking down on you and with the rest of your loved ones." And the rather less religious kind of people will just tell you they are gone and just enjoy the good times. Umm, I wouldn't prefer to hear that, but I guess it's better than telling me some crappy answer like, "Get over it! They are dead!" *sigh* I don't know. Then sometimes I wonder what happens to things they valued the most or did they get a chance to let everyone know how they felt or what not? Supposedly, death is painless. Some people look at it as scary, dark and lonely. What do I see it as? I'm not quite sure myself. I just know I wonder what they do and think after it's all over and where are they and how long? I wonder...
Til next time

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Where's my head?

Monday was my mom's birthday. We had a great time. We went out to eat, laughed, took pictures and she got A LOT of gifts. I was even surprised. Her brother really came through this time! ;) To the sweetest lady I know. Happy Birthday, mom! I love you so much! :) You are the best!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

08 doesn't seem so great....

Hey everyone,
It's me again. I thought after losing my brother this year, I wasn't going to lose another. Well, l was so wrong. Today, I got an disturbing phone call from my old roommate's phone. It was her mom. She told me she had pasted. I was so shocked and dumbfound...I didn't know what to say or how to react. I just told her I'm sorry, if there's anything I can do, let me know. Really, I just wanted to hug her and tell her I know the feeling. Though I haven't truly gotten over my brother's lost, now I have another to grieve for. I really cared a lot about Tiffany. I called her Tippy. She was a very sweet girl and often misunderstood. I only known her for a little over 2 years now. But just that short time of knowing her, I did realize she was really great friend. She was one of the first people who I met when I moved to Atlanta and who wanted to hang out with me. She was one of the only people who spent my 19th birthday with me when I couldn't go back home to see my family and boyfriend. She taught me how to ride Marta and she gave me advice a few times on men. She also came home with me to my hometown one weekend to hang with me and my friends.With that being said, I will always love her. I'm really hurt that this happened to her, to such a young spirited soul. I pray for her family everyday. I'll never forget her and I'm sorry we didn't get to spend more time together.

R.I.P. Tiffany Capers.

Monday, October 27, 2008

A little game

Wanna play a game? It's called what's in my purse! I know, I know, sounds a little lame, but hey, you're reading it.

-Sensual Amber lotion (travel size)
-comb (we all need one)
-Car keys And extra keys
-check book (who writes checks anymore)
-4 pens
-3G iPod (black)
-2G iPod nano (silver)
-notepad (just in case)
-calculator (I'm bad with math)
-a lot of receipts
-money pouch (with a little money)
- digital camera
-contact solution
-hand sanitizer
-2 usb drives
-school ID
-mouth wash
-lip gloss
-nail clipper
-Debit card, license, gate card, and other club cards
and I think that's about it.
I got a lot of stuff but I don't use everything. When I use a smaller purse, I have a lot. When I use a big one, stuff gets in the way...ugh. I'm not really all into purses but I do wish there was an easier way to carry my stuff.
Til next time.

Ohhh Ahhh, Food Porn

Today's random Pick is ....
Diary Queen's Waffle Bowl Sundaes!! Man they are good as crap!!! If you like ice cream, chocolate or when you eat something, you like to eat it all! This is the stuff for you! My favorite is the Chocolate covered cherry one. (it's originally strawberry but I prefer cherries) They put soft served ice cream in a waffle bowl with chocolate on the rim, cherries, hot fudge, whipped cream and a little red spoon. You eat everything but the bowl. YUUUUM! I'm getting a little excited, I must go.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ok, I notice that I only been getting comments from people with blogger accounts. UGh! So, I decided to change it up. Now, EVERYONE can comment! :) LOL ( I sound like I'm trying to sale something.) Anyway, I'm just posting to say to anyone who feels the need to say something (besides the Blog Staff) do so! Thanks!!!

Of course I might be late on this but I was in bed with a TERRIBLE stomach ache. I couldn't even go to work today. :( I needs money. But I was checking my email and my bro emailed me a link saying Jennifer Hudson's mother and brother was shot. WOW. That gotta be really REALLY hard. I mean, I know how it feels because I lost my brother in July of this year. It still hard at times. Whenever I see a gun or see the color red, I think of him. There were lots of good times there I think about but I stress myself out in the end because there's NOTHING I can do.
Anyway, it's really sad that she lost those two. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my mom, too. Jennifer Hudson was about to get married and everything. She just released an album. Then this? I'll keep her and many others who've lost someone in my prayers.
The thing that really erks me about when you have a death, it's like no one cares. They say their sorry and then they talk about something else. Do you know how many conversations I had with people about my bro and they just kinda blew me off. Then they'll say "let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I'm here." REALLY!?!? Really? Man, if that's what you call being there for someone, I don't want it. I can suffer alone. Well, anyway...
I'm not gonna rant on anymore about this. Sometimes people gets touchy about deaths. I guess they don't know what to say. I don't really know what to say at times. It's hard, though. God bless Jennifer Hudson, her mom, her brother and her family.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oooooh yea...

So hot, so steamy...ummm, right on my tongue. What a strange yet familiar taste. It's swimming in milk, soaked in butter. Seasoned with pepper and salt. Man, I want some so bad.
....I just notice, I did not make this sound good at all. OH WELL. It's good, so there! There you have it, another episode of Food Porn. You've been warned...

By the way, it's oyster stew...yum

Worst Week

Another great show I've been watching with my sweetie was a show called Worst Week on CBS. It's really funny. The guy with the strip shirt has the worst luck. I thought I was bad. lol It's well written and the characters are lovable. If you ever get a chance, check it out! Comes on Monday at 9:30pm. You might like it. :)

This is not a diss!

I was at the mall a while back and I ordered like 2 huge NY slices of pizza and a drink. I sat down in front of my bro's job and I looked directly in front of me and I see this picture right in the middle of the food court. It's not a bad add or a bad pic. It's the point of why would you put a picture like that in a food court??? Maybe in the middle of the halls, yes; in front of a jewelry store, maybe. Food court? WHY would you do that?! :( Bless that child.

Having a bad day...ugh!

You ever woke up on the wrong side of the bed and everything else went down hill from there? I did. It all started I woke up with only 35 mins to get ready and get to school. I got ready in time and got in my car, which had no gas but I didn't have time to stop. For some reason, I woke up mad about something that happened at work yesterday. (It just now hit me) I was almost out of my neighborhood and this lady with a huge SUV was hogging the whole road and on top of that almost hit me. (she didn't but it was too close for comfort.) When I got on the road to school, there was a LOT of traffic and also a school bus was holding up 4 lanes for some kids that were getting on the bus on that side and not crossing the street. (better safe than sorry I guess.) Then I got to this street that's a short cut to my school. They just made this new law you can't make left turns at certain times (i.e. 7-9am) That's the dumbest thing they could of done because a lot of people have to turn left all times of the day. They should of made a turning lane instead. So, I saw it was clear and I turned left. (sigh) 2 minutes later I got pulled over by the police. Even though he was nicer than most police officers, I was mad I got a ticket and after he gave me a ticket, he told me to have a good day. WTF?!??! Really!??! Why do they always say that?
So then I was 30 mins late to class. Today we had to turn in our projects, which I couldn't do cause I couldn't afford the text book. :( I got til monday to turn it in for one letter grade off. I guess that's better than an F.Then I found out my car is more messed up than it was before. My mom's birthday is coming up and I don't know if I'll be able to see her cause I don't know the driving arrangements and it seems my bro is dodging me on details. I had to take a test in my other class and didn't know anything because I don't have a book for that either. I watched a movie about a boy who tried to commit sucide which wasn't really the best for me (my brother died in July this year) So, that depressed me. I called about 5 people and NOBODY answered, except my cousin and she was sleeping. (she needs rest) I tried to cheer myself up. I listened to some music (John Legend new album). I drew a few comics. I thought about the first time me and my boyfriend got together and when we went to NY and went swimming. I got happy again...til I was late to my other class for why? I don't know! I don't have a watch!!!I got counted absent! AHHHH! I went home and talk to my mom for a second and then my boyfriend. But then I kinda took out my bad day on him and that made things worst. I couldn't log on to my email account. I tried everything. I was certain someone hacked into it and changed my info. Nothing worked! NOTHING. Then I ate some noodles and cried.
After I calm down a bit and read some quotes and really thought about everything, I tried my email one last time before I lay down and take a nap and what'da'ya know? It worked. First thing I did was email my boo and told him I'm sorry. I felt bad for being such an jackass. And I talk to my mom for a minute and apologized to her. I took a few deep breathes and then I wrote this blog. I'm still gonna take a nap before anything else goes wrong, but I had a BAD DAY. Next time you have a bad day, eat some squash and think about how many people love you and how it always works out in the end. (why don't I ever take my own advice.)

Monday, October 20, 2008


I remember when gas use to be about $1.67 and people were complaining about how much it was. Not as much as they are now, but they were kinda complaining. So then we got hit in the face with $4 gas. Then people went nuts. It goes up and down and it seems it'll never get back to those dollar days. But good news, the QT down the street from me has gas for $2.69. It's sad to say that's not bad. But I'm glad to see that if I put $20 in, I can get a little over 7 gallons. That's really good for my car. So...I'm happy-ish. I hope it last a while but if it doesn't, *sigh* I guess I can deal with it. I have no choice after all...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

True Blood

You know what show I'm getting really into lately? This show called True Blood on HBO. It's about vampires! (me, loves vampires) Some how, there's been a synthetic blood made for vampires to drink instead of sucking on people's necks. So, all the vampires "come out the coffin". It takes place in the south. (I mean rural south! ahhh!) I didn't really know anything about it til a very reliable (and cute) source told me about it. And now I watch it whenever there's a new episode out. I love it! One of my favorite characters is one of the most complex characters of the show. His name is La'feyet. He's gay yet gangster. He's a drug dealer and a cook at a restaurant bar. He's frickin' awesome!! :) So, if you get a chance to catch it, watch it! It's really good but you'd have to catch it from the first eposide or else you'd be lost!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Kinda depressing

After a long day of work, I came home to my bookie and huge kitten, Paco. We watched a little TV and talked. Then I got up and checked my email. I got an email...a video rather, of some of the McCain/Palin supporters.'s really disturbing. I mean, really. I never really been into politics EVER! Today I tried to vote and the line was OUT THIS WORLD!!! I would of been late to work if I stayed and I had 2 and a half hours til I had to be in. I think this is the BIGGEST election thing in history. Man, it's really heating up. Ok, off track. I really got depressed about that video. I know racism is still alive and kickin'. It's NEVER ok, but after a while, you just learn to kinda ignore it or just get use to it. But it's sad how IGNORANT some people are. I'm not saying that every person who supports McCain is ignorant or racist, nor am I saying republicans are, but you have to think about it...what do they really stand for? Why are they so hateful? Why is it ok for Sarah Palin not to answer any questions, hold a baby inside of her 8 hours after her water broke or say really derogatory things about her candiadate? Why is it ok for McCain to use every dirty trick against Obama to win or stand and support EVERYTHING Bush has done or thought of doing? And then people complain about how bad the economy is. Is it that they'll rather have a f***** up economy for the next 4-8 years than have a black man as president? What kind of junk is that? Then they look you in the eye and swear they aren't racist. It's like saying: "I like black people, they are cool. Oh? There's one trying to run the country? Oh that's a different story then." What do you call that?! You only accept black people to an certain extent? There is ignorance in EVERY race. Not just black, not just white, not just mexican. I just don't understand what the hell is up!? Some lady in the video said she's afraid that he [obama] don't like white people and isn't gonna show it til he gets elected. WTF? So, what she think is gonna happen? Obama is gonna bring slavery back on white people? HELLO?! It's 2008! A lot hasn't changed but that has! Besides, who would go for that? I mean, I'm sure some people might, but at the end of the day, it's not right. None of it. And some people latch on the the wrong things. Like: slavery. Some people think white people should pay for what happened years ago. Slavery was terrible but it's not happening right now. What is? Racism! That's what's happening. *sigh* I don't know. What's most frustrating is there's nothing anyone can do about it because it's always going to be someone who thinks different. It's sad. I really do hope Obama win and show these people that just because he's black does not mean he can't run the country properly or he's not human. *ouch* STOP LIVING IN THE PAST, PEOPLE!!!!!!!

P.S. That logo sucks!! (sorry, graphic designer speaking.)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Great Movie!

The Devil Wears Prada! Great Movie!! Enough Said!

10 reasons why Halloween will SUCK this year

9. Candy (milk candy) is being tainted a lot before Halloween. (mainly over seas.)
8. Being that it'll be the BIG DATE (nov.4th) , Halloween isn't that exciting anymore.
7. No good Halloween parties. might be a little warm outside.(due to global warming) one will dress up
4.if they do dress up, we will see the same costumes A LOT
3.Nothing but presidential candidate costumes
2.Barack Obama costumes
1.Joker costumes

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


You ever had a good hot slice of New York Style pizza? I like extra cheese on mines. It's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! Yum!! :) I'm sitting up here thinking about food and first thing that comes to mind is a huge slice of pizza. Yum. I need to get some. You should, too. Ohhhh yea.... *mouth waters*

Monday, October 13, 2008


Today is my fave little cousin's birthday, Ms. Darla L. Gibbons! She's finally 20 and in college! I'm really proud of her. Happy Birthday, Gibbles!

And it's also Paddington bear's birthday! He's 50 years old today...who knew? Happy...uh..birthday, Paddington. *cough*

Random Thought

Mmmmmmmmm, Pumpkin Spice Lattes! :) Oh yea!
(Do I sense a little food porn?)

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Just thought this was funny, yet interesting...

A Taste of Atlanta

(before, during and after shots of me trying sushi.)
So, I went to Taste of Atlanta festival...thing. And it was so much fun! Trying all new and different foods! Just the experience alone was captivating!I'll love to take my mom next time. I'm sure you've figured out this was my first time going to a taste festival thing. Wow... I loved it. I went with my boyfriend and we ran the streets like little lost children. (ha ha ha) I took lots of pictures, taste lots of food (including sushi) and went to Ikea afterward for a little window shopping. (Hey, there's nothing wrong with a little wishful planning) Well, here's some pics! Enjoy!

Friday, October 10, 2008

It's Friday!

I'm back! I know what you're saying: She's only been blogging for a few weeks and she's already taking breaks?
If I wrote every single day, you'll get tired of me...right? Exactly.
So, nothing too exciting happened today. I went to work for the majority of the day. (1 to 10pm) It was long, but still ok. I had a pretty good day. Made a few drinks, joked with the co-workers, blah... We got on the subject of Spongebob. Now I think he's gay. But one of my associates, manger and some random customers think he's natural. My bro thinks he's gay, too but my boyfriend thinks he's natural. Hmmmm, what do you think? Come on, the guy does the gayiest things! (rainbows, too close with patrick, don't seem to like females.) lol Well, it's all in fun.
I got a call from my boyfriend today during my break. He said my cat threw up under the microwave. I didn't think that was possible. My poor little paco. :( But he seems fine now. Yay!!
I guess I'll cut this one short. I got to work again tomorrow (12 to 8)
And Sunday, I'm planning to go to a tasting party thing... I hope it's fun. It'll be my first!
Til next time!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What a boring Wednesday

I thought I was gonna die today.
Now, I know what you're thinking...why would you think you're gonna die? Well first of all, I stayed up kinda late and got up really early. I had a full day of class today (8 to 6) And it rained ALL day...AND all my classes are still in the beginning so it's super boring. AHHHHH! I watched Casablanca in my film studies class today. I really wanted to finally see that movie but it was boring, it was raining and I was feeling a cold coming on. I fell asleep on and off. *sigh* I gotta write a paper on that in a week or two. Art History, I'm confused. Digital Video Editing, I can't seem to get past the first part. What's going on?!?!?!
Anyway, I took a long nap when I got home. It was the best I had in a while. I ate two bowls of soup and now I'm chillin' with my bro and my dude. I guess it wasn't that bad of a day. I surely could of went for a waffle bowl sundae today... yum... dang...
Til next time

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Nap time in the house

Today was laid back.
I went to the mall to go to the apple store. I also went to see my bro at work. (he hates work! lol) I had to go to my job to turn in my school schedule. It was good to see everyone.
Then I got home and started working on my blog.

Everyone fell asleep, but me. (ha ha ha!)
Look at the My cat woke up just in time to see me get his pic.
I got my first comment today. It wasn't what I had in mind..but hey! It's my first comment! Yay! Love or hate, it's a start. Someone cared enough to read my stuff. I hope to get more, but let's not get too excited. lol
I gotta go to school tomorrow at 8am and be there til 6pm. Dang, that's work hours. Oh well, at least I'm only going to school for 2 days out the week.

For some reason, my bf's friend got a problem with my headline pic (that pic of me with the white shirt that's open). I didn't think it was a terrible pic. It's tasteful. And if my boyfriend approves of it, I think it's ok. You know, he just inspired me to make up a post called "Professonal Haters" because man, there is a LOT of that going on everywhere. LOL
Til next time!

School is Back!!

School is back on track peoples! After a semi-long break (3 weeks) out of school, we're finally back to spending bunches of money on tuition and supplies, and not to mention those rip off parking stickers!! Yes! That's right! AIA is back to raping us poor art students and not at all feeling a little remorseful about it. Oh well, what can I say? It's the way of the world, eh? I can't wait to get out of there.
So, I got up and went to school for my first class, which was at 10am only to realize that they some how took me out of one of the classes I needed. (Darn it!) I had to spend another 30 minutes in the Academic Affairs office to get that straighten out. Finally, I was back to being a full time student. BUT I still couldn't go to class just yet. I had a hold on my account. Next, I spent a whopping 45 minutes waiting in line in a crowded Financil Aid office just to be told I still owe them some paper work from my mom's 07 tax return! Why is this SOOOOOOOOOOOO urgent!!?! If I don't clear this, I can't go to class. (Boo Hoo) Well, they ended up giving me a one day pass to go to class for the day. I only had one more class. By this time, I've officially missed my first class of the quarter and of the day. Wow...why am I not surprised? After that, I went to get my "Official Schedule" which they change the color of the paper they put it on to add a little pazzazz, I guess...LAME!! I finally got to go to class, which was art history 2 and that was...interesting. I'm not fond of history so we'll see how this goes, again.
And finally, my day at school was over with until Wednesday. Yay!!

I went home and got my boyfriend and we went to Abadabbas-some shoe store I see a million commericals about and never got a chance to actually see what it was about. Well, we finally went while it was still open. (yea, we tried numberous of times to go but it was always closed.)
It wasn't a bad store but I tell ya, the shoes were not as "affordable" as they say on the commericals. Every shoe I liked, my boyfriend picked it up and said "Wow, $189.00!" The cheapest shoe was the socks. I'm not knocking them, but I was thinking affordable would be more around the $20-80 for casual kicks. I think I'm going to Target.
Next, we went to Lenox Mall! YAY!! But another place that's way out my budget. We went looking for a gift for my little cousin (which her birthday is on the 13th) and to get a smoothie from Planet Smoothie! Yuuuuuuuuuum! I got "the last mango" while my boyfriend is on this chocolate-banana kick and got a "Chocolate Chimp"and you know what? It was actually good this time! (Good pick, Bookie) Last time he got a "Chocolate Elvis" and it was soooooooooooo nasty!
Then we went to a store called "Prophey time"
I NEVER see ANYONE in there and now I see why. They only had these huge watches that suppose to be a phone, mp3 player and something else besides being a watch. They also had these terrible paintings, supposively all the things in the store were things you can't get anywhere else. (and I see why.) The dude that worked there looked BORED!!!
Then my dude got me some chocolate from the Lindt store. YUM on top of sprinkles! It was lovely and the lady even threw in two extra peanut butter balls! I was happy. lol

Then we left, but I forgot that I wanted to show my boyfriend something. I was telling him (just like I was talking about in my previous blog about the homeless guy I always see), that that man is ALWAYS on the corner from morning to night. He always get money! So, I talked my boyfriend into going to see they guy and guess what? I got a picture!! He's a really nice man. The man asked "Hey, got any change?"
My boyfriend said "Yea, can we get a picture of you?"
Man "Yea!"
Then I snapped the pics. But they came out a little blurry. I guess that's good 'cause it can be like protecting that guy's identity or something. I don't know. I think I'm going to bring him a blanket when it gets cold or take him out for lunch and interview him for a future blog. I don't know. We'll see if I have the guts.
Ok, so then we went to Target. I needed notebook paper for school. Lucky me it was only 10 cents! Now that's what I call affordable!! :)

Then we went to my brother's apartment to get these darn tax papers from him and got a copy at Kinko's, I meant FedEx Office...whatever.

By the way, my bro is a VERY talented producer and does a little rapping as well. He has a Halloween EP he's putting out soon... Yea, I was thinking the same thing. I'm sure it'll be great and different since nobody else I've heard of has done it. (breakin' records on ya'll!) We'll see how this goes!

And then I got home and cooked Hamburgers on the George Forman Grill and Fried some fries and ate with my bookie while we watched one of the WORST movie/documentary whatevers I've seen in my life. (Thanks alot, Jerm)
And that just about sums up my wonderful eventful day. Also, I ended up falling asleep in my clothes and woke up with a sore thoat. UGH!!!

Til next time!

Friday, October 3, 2008

My off day

What's going on?
So, today I had an off day of work. Yay! I cleaned up the home a few days ago, so I decided to use today to run my errands (?)
Started out with me getting on the bus. That bus was REALLY bootleg. They need to do something about that, seriously. (cheapos!) The darn doors didn't work, so you had to get off in the front where you got in at. Nothing wrong with that but still. The windows didn't close. It was kinda chilly today. And for some strange reason, the bus had a terrible hydraulic effect every time we stopped or just riding...yea, that bad! What is the deal?! Not to mention, the bus driver had a REALLY bad attitude. I don't know who peed in her oatmeal today. Jeez... Don't bring your problems to work, people!!
So, I went to school and hung out for a while where I spend most of my time in school- the financil aid office. Stressful as usual! It's always something with those people!!!
Ok, then I left to go to the mall to the food court. This mall in particular has a GREAT variety at the food court. I really wanted Burger King but they took it out. When did this happen!?! So, I got a few samples of the chinese/japanese food and then I ended up going to chick'fila. Wow..great choice, jay. You have one down the street from you. Then afterwards, I got an delicious smoothie. Oh yum times 100!! It was from Planet Smoothie- which personally I think is better than Smoothie King. (shhh! don't say nothing) I tried this drink called "The Last Mango". It was made of Mangos (of course), Peaches, Banana and Orange Sherbet. I highly recommend. You'll have a break least I did. LOL
When I was leaving, this lady walked up behind me and looked at mine's and said, "Wow, that looks good! What's that called?" The guy who made the drinks said "The last Mango" Then the lady replied "Oh no, so you mean there's no more?" I know, corny. But it was kinda funny when it happened...Don't act like you don't know!!! :-P
On my way out, I was walking to the bus stop, and I saw this homeless guy. This is the SAME homeless guy I've seen 2 years ago. Why does this man still hang outside of this mall? Why hasn't the police got him yet? Is he really homeless? All this and more ran through my mind. I was THIS close to asking that man for an interview and then I chickened out...ugh! That would of made an interesting post. I tried to get a pic of him...that was even harder. Do homeless people have rights? Ok, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of said that. But don't you wonder that sometimes?? Ok, there I go again. Let's get off this guy... But for real, don't you wonder if people like that are really homeless or just plain lazy, OR maybe they are con artist because I've heard a few cases of that.
Anyway, I really need a coat because it's getting cold outside now. (yes! loves the fall and winter!) Anyway, had a nice quiet evening at home. My cat was being bad all day. He bit me on my nose. Besides that, not a bad day. Still feel like I forgot to do something...