Only a little over a week left 'til Thanksgiving! And Man, I can't wait!! I love Thanksgiving!! This year, I'm cooking the turkey again! Ugh...that's not always good because last year I did a good job until I brought it to my mom's house. I split the juice all over the back seat of my car and my car smelled like fart and chitterlings for weeks! (don't ask why) This year, I got a new plan! I just hope it works. Tomorrow, I'm going to school all day from 8 to 6...basically someone's work shift. I don't get paid tho. Instead I'm spending G's. *sigh*
On the bright side, this week is pay day!! yayyy...another downfall is I don't get paid that much. aww.
Meanwhile, I think this year I'm going to do something different for Christmas... I'm not going to go broke getting everyone I know and love gifts! Instead, just the main people who matter in my life. Sounds a little mean or whatever, but really, it's not. Christmas really isn't about giving or getting in the first place. Once again...FOOD!!! lol...and family, and love and...ok, maybe a little present here and there. I'll be happy to just spend some time with people and eat and take pictures and laugh at nothing!
On another note, I thought eggnog only came in...well, the milky type, but I saw at the store the other week, they also make SOY eggnog!! Isn't that great!?!? Well, not for everyone, just the people who will die/get sick from drinking regular milk. Darn you Lactose!!

Anyway, I'll stop with the rambles...I do feel I can do that sometimes...lol
Til next time. :)
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