Tonight was the last night to go to the haunted house. (Neitherworld) I was invited by a few friends from school to go on Halloween night but I was also suppose to go with my little cousin. Well, things didn't exactly go to plan. So, I ended up sitting at a restaurant with my cousin and her friend talking about random stuff. Ha ha. So, I was suppose to go yesterday with my so-called best friend but it's always some excuse why she cancels plans with me. Then tonight came and it was the last night to go before next Halloween. So, I decided to go tonight. Just me and my boyfriend. And I tell ya, it was so much fun!! This lady told us before we went in that it was SOOOOOOOOO scary. I was like, "Whoa!! Now I'm getting excited!!" I left everything in my car(purse, keys,phone,etc.) so I didn't get that many pictures. (I took a few after ward) I'm not gonna really go into everything about the house, just in case someone wants to go next year I don't wanna spoil it. But there was this room you walk on a bridge but whatever that is surrounding you is spinning and it makes you completely dizzy. I got so dizzy, I fell on the floor. I couldn't get up, so I crawled thru the rest of the bridge. That was nuts! lol And after we got out of the house, I ran to the car to get my camera and took a few pics with some of the monsters. It was fun! The line was long but it moved fast!! Next year, I'm going to try the 13 floor haunted house. That should be interesting. (he he he)

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