When I heard Beyonce was coming out with a new album I was like, here we go! I mean, I don't get me wrong, she's very talented but her last album didn't show me much and that single "single ladies" is kinda...uh...I don't know the word I'm looking for. I wasn't really feeling "If I were a boy" at first. First of all, it seem like she was taking Ciara's concept-ish. It's almost the same song but as I listen to it again, it's a little different. Lyric wise, of course. Then I watched the video. It was touching. I like the song a lot now and I can't get it out of my head. I've been listening to it for the past 2 days. LOL I'm not going to lie, that video made me cry. At first I was like, "dang, poor guy" then when it switched over, I was like "oh, wow. poor girl". After all, it was the point of the song. I'm glad the song with the video because for some reason we have a lot of that going on. LOL Well, anyway...I'm posting the video. Watch if you haven't seen it. Watch if you wanna anyway. Peesh! :)
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thanksgiving!!! And the rest...
I know it's been a while. Yea, been kinda busy. I started getting scheduled to work more now, I guess for the holidays. That's good...and bad. Well, let's see. I went to my hometown for Thanksgiving and saw my family and closest friends. It was nice. I had a great time. Though a few people I would love to see come didn't come, it was nice for what it's worth. We started eating around 3-ish. My uncle came by and so did my girl, Ashley. My cousin, Joe Joe stopped by for a second. Then the next door neighbors came by for a second. I made a pumpkin spice cake. And it looked scary for a second but it tasted great! It gotten eaten quick! Yaaay!! :)
So I went to my aunt's house and saw my uncle and my cousins from Miami, Detroit, and Washington D.C. I'm so happy I got to see them though I missed a few people. I had to go back home because unfortunately I had to work on Black Friday. UGHHH! Oh well...
And that's about it. Been working late hours for a week-ish now. So, I been tired... so If I don't blog much, that's why. Man, the holidays....
So I went to my aunt's house and saw my uncle and my cousins from Miami, Detroit, and Washington D.C. I'm so happy I got to see them though I missed a few people. I had to go back home because unfortunately I had to work on Black Friday. UGHHH! Oh well...
And that's about it. Been working late hours for a week-ish now. So, I been tired... so If I don't blog much, that's why. Man, the holidays....
Sunday, November 23, 2008
What's wrong with that??

So, I been working A LOT for the past few days and I'm like, super tired when I get home. Oh well, I need the money. Anyway, on my lunch break I went to Starbucks because they have the most delicious pumpkin spice lattes ever!!!!! (keep in mind, I work at another coffee house called Seattle's Best Coffee, owned by Starbucks) Well, came back and didn't get a chance to drink it all, so I had to bring it back to work with me. Well, one of my co-workers give me the hardest time about it. Like, why would I go to Starbucks on my break? Cause I need the caffeine and the flavor, man!! :) Double yum, homie! lol Anyway, so I'll probably never hear the end of that....til I do something else dumb. LOL My question is, is it THAT wrong?! I know others have done things like this!! Like this lady said she worked at publix but shopped at Kroger! That's genius! You know why? Cause Kroger is really cheap compared to Publix! You go, Lady!! Anywa, that ends this really short dumb blog...til next time.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
What's up with that?

When I go home to visit my mom, I notice how dark it is (at night) and it's sad that they haven't put some street lights up by now. What if you break down on the side of the road and you don't have a flash light? What are you going to do? Wait for a car with their high beams to pass by you slow enough for you to see the problem?! Ughh. Anyway, I'm done with that. Just wanted to rant. Peesh!
Happy Birthday!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Only a little over a week left 'til Thanksgiving! And Man, I can't wait!! I love Thanksgiving!! This year, I'm cooking the turkey again! Ugh...that's not always good because last year I did a good job until I brought it to my mom's house. I split the juice all over the back seat of my car and my car smelled like fart and chitterlings for weeks! (don't ask why) This year, I got a new plan! I just hope it works. Tomorrow, I'm going to school all day from 8 to 6...basically someone's work shift. I don't get paid tho. Instead I'm spending G's. *sigh*
On the bright side, this week is pay day!! yayyy...another downfall is I don't get paid that much. aww.
Meanwhile, I think this year I'm going to do something different for Christmas... I'm not going to go broke getting everyone I know and love gifts! Instead, just the main people who matter in my life. Sounds a little mean or whatever, but really, it's not. Christmas really isn't about giving or getting in the first place. Once again...FOOD!!! lol...and family, and love and...ok, maybe a little present here and there. I'll be happy to just spend some time with people and eat and take pictures and laugh at nothing!
On another note, I thought eggnog only came in...well, the milky type, but I saw at the store the other week, they also make SOY eggnog!! Isn't that great!?!? Well, not for everyone, just the people who will die/get sick from drinking regular milk. Darn you Lactose!!

Anyway, I'll stop with the rambles...I do feel I can do that sometimes...lol
Til next time. :)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Just 'Cause I Felt Like It
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Gas is going low again??

I notice that gas has went down a lot since the beginning of the year. People told me that gas will reach up to $6 by August and we won't see $1-something gas in like, the next 5 years! Well...I drove by the QT and guess what I saw? Gas is $1.98! And I checked around, the lowest gas reported in GA is $1.87...wow! That's a great change. I'm actually happy about this. YAY!! Now, the question is, how long is this going to be this way? Once again, me and my better half were talking and his theory is that the big oil companies didn't realize that raising gas will make them money but how the economy is, people can't afford to buy gas. Which means people going to buy smaller cars. And that means, those American owned cars who get a little bit profit from the oil companies aren't really doing too good. Why? Because if you can't afford gas but you have to get around, you're going to buy a smaller car. And who makes smaller cars that runs on gas? Yes, the Japanesse! Mostly foregin cars is the way to go. They are better on gas and they are cute! lol Heck, I wanted a bettle myself!! (and still do! Shhhh!) So, America are just making these hybrids. But they still lost a lot of money because people are still buying those foregin cars and used ones. Smart move, big oil companies! Way ta go on the future planning! But anyway...I'm through with that... Just wanted to comment on the gas. :) Til next time!
Top business fall, small business rise!

Ya know, I notice while I was riding down the street looking for something to eat, a LOT of business' are going out of business. Is it the economy? I think so. But some stores like Barbecue Grills (a store that sales nothing but grills) probably will go in debt during the cold seasons due to slow sales at the wrong time of the year and still trying to pay the rent for the space. Hmm...
Well, just so you know, that store is going out of business. (didn't see that coming)
Also! A lot of furniture stores are going out of business and some restaurants. And the sadist of them all, Circuit City is closing down!! Thanks a lot, Best Buy! (Nah, I actually like Best Buy)
Soooo...who's still in business?! I know the Dollar Store still doing pretty ok. Wal-Mart, Heck Yea! But the biggest business who's making the big bucks as of now, in my opinion, will have to be....(drum roll please!)
Those people who make the "Going Out Of Business" signs! Come on! That's all you see! And it's the SAME sign on different stores. Nothing different. Just big bold letters, in black, red and Yellow...some poor guy standing on the side of the street holding the sign up for a good 8 hours and when you actually go into the store...just huge percentage signs saying "60% off! 20% off! Everything MUST go!!" Yep, that's who I think is making all the money. The people who opened the sign shop probably told eachother, "One day, everyone is going to need a sign! And when they do, we'll be there..." Something like that.
I don't know, it was a funny conversation actually. I was talking to my boyfriend about it on the way to school, one day. He actually brought it to my attention. I noticed the signs but didn't notice that everyone was buying their signs from the same store!! Wow...
I hope things get better soon. Til then, you go, Going Out Of Business Sign Store!! :)
Aight now!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Is this movie still coming out??

With a lot of people having complains about the new prez being black and all (like the past few centuries weren't all white presidents) are they going to try not to let black anything have too much or any spot light at all? I know...kinda a dumb broad statement but I'm just curious, are they still going to finish up that Disney movie with the first black princess??? ....
I hope so. I'm interested to see what it would be like.
long day

It' s been a long day, so this post is short.
I went to work. This lady came by and asked did we have a movie with John Travolta doing a voice over for a character. I was like, "WTF??"
That movie hasn't even came out to the movie theater yet. Where does these people be at?? I guess she could of been trying to be the first to get it on DVD for her child or something. I don't know. It still was weird...
Then I went to school and worked for 3 1/2 hours on a digital video project. I'm not going to say what it is...lol
And now I'm at home, about to fall out, typing with the cat in my arms...he threw up a hair ball on the floor. Just what I wanted to come home to...*sigh*
I'll do a better post tomorrow...you're only a day away.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Negative Food Porn

Today's Food Porn entry isn't exactly a positive one. No! This time is about one of the nastiest foods I've tasted in a while.
A few months ago, my boyfriend told me about this peanut butter. He told me somebody gave it to him and it was sooooooooooooo nasty. Now, my boyfriend ain't picky. He'll eat almost anything. (Edible!) So for him to say this is nasty, it can't be good at all. And He also loves peanut butter. Now it's hard for me to find a pic of this crap, so I just got the most generic looking peanut butter I can find. After all, the label on this thing looked very generic. And it's called "All Good Peanut Butter". And believe me, it is NOT all good. So, if you ever run across this catastrophy, look the other way! Run! Cover your eyes! Read a book! Just don't eat that stuff! It's not worth it. You can be homeless and haven't eaten in days, I'll still tell you not to go near that stuff.
I'm signing out! Peace!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Back to nathan

Ok, enough about politics. I'm sure this stuff is all over the place anyway. Why pound it harder through your heads?
So, I'm in the process of transferring schools. I have so much to do to get ready for the new school. I'm nervous as crap. I got so much stuff to fill out and figure out and submit. Deadlines and fees. Everything. I'm so ready to leave where I am, it's not even funny. I'll miss the people and friends I made, but I'm not getting anything out of where I am. And I feel if I stay, I'll only make it harder for me in the long run. I notice that a lot of people from my school who graduated is not doing anything field related to what they went to school for. I get depressed walking down those halls. When I do stuff for a class...I think about "wow, is this really what we are going to do in the real world or is this hypothetical?" I don't know. I don't want to do work based on "what if" or "this would happen in the industry". I'd rather know. You know? I don't know. It's fine if anyone else likes it. It' s just not for me anymore.
Getting up $500 is like trying to win the lottery for me. Almost impossible. *sigh* I'll find some way... somehow.
Man, I haven't did a Food Porn Post in a while...are you starting to miss it? Uh huh...
Well, I gotta go wake up my bookie so he can do his work.
I'll be back...
The aftermath!

So after the election or something and people find out who won (Obama), there's mixed feelings all over the place. Some good, some...not so good. Some people are EXCITED as crap! I never seen so many people so happy. South Park even pushed out an episode THAT quick about all this. (My boyfriend and I are still trying to figure out how they did that exactly.) I for one, is glad Obama won. We need a change. We need an intelligent leader with great views and we need peace. I love his family. It's very inspiring. And I think he'll do great as president. A lot of people are worried about lack of experience. That can be an issue but how can you get experience if you don't start somewhere? He seem like he thought a lot of this out. And I say, "have a little faith people". He's not completely in this alone.
Ok ok, I'm sorry but I'm backtracking now. I notice that South Park always has a message in there somewhere or another. That episode was the Obama supports were celebrating TOO hard and the McCain supports were taking him losing to the expreme. I agrees.
It's a big accomplishment Obama won. He worked hard. McCain did, too. He did all he could. In the end, fear and hate will not bring you to victory. Period.
Congrats, Obama.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
America has spoken

I'm so happy I got to witness this great moment in history. Obama won. I can't believe it. I was actually doubting that he might not win. It was a good race and yea, there were a lot of stabs thrown out, but I guess playing dirty doesn't pay off in the end. That or people just don't want another Bush in office. I like Obama though. He's a family man with 2 sweet little girls, a loving wife and he knows what's it like struggle. He wants everyone to live comfortable. Not just the rich be rich and the poor stay poor. I think that's fair. This election also proves that America is more sexiest than racist...or are they??? No one threaten to kill Hilary. Well...it's about time for a change. America is suppose to be diverse anyway. Not just one way... I hope Obama does a great job just like Clinton in office. I'm glad everyone got out there and voted. I'm glad I experienced the voting process and I'm glad that my first time voting was on a historical election. I will forever remember this. :) OBAMA '08
P.S. All in all, McCain actually made a good ending speech. It wasn't sour at all. I commend him for that.
....Taking deep breathes...

I'm nervous as crap. It's a close call... anyone can win. But WHO!??! Oh man, this is crazy...I mean, the time has flew... It was like yesterday when the candidates were competing to win our votes and Hilary still trying to stay in the race...and now look at were we are.
So, what will happen if McCain wins? - seems like 4 more years of what Bush has already screwed up. Obama can't run again. Sarah Palin can possibly be our president.
What if Obama wins? -economy has a chance at getting fixed. Sarah Palin will run against him next term. LOTS and LOTS of death threats and attempts.
Hmm...this is just getting really scary.
Monday, November 3, 2008
You know, back when I was really into wrestling, I use to watch it all the time like it was a soap opera! It's not what it use to be. I was a big fan, sad to say. I loved Stone Cold, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and sometimes...SOMETIMES Rick Flair. Hulk Hogan, he was cool. Macho Man, yea. There's a lot I can't name right now, but I did like a little of everyone. YAY! Mankind personally got on my nerves with those ugly dingy brown pants he was wearing. Anyway, here's a video I was watching tonight reminiscing of the great Hell in a Cell match between Undertaker and Mankind!! Mankind got his butt kicked and STILL got up to fight! WHOA!! Now that's crazy! WOOOOT!!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Now or Never

Tonight was the last night to go to the haunted house. (Neitherworld) I was invited by a few friends from school to go on Halloween night but I was also suppose to go with my little cousin. Well, things didn't exactly go to plan. So, I ended up sitting at a restaurant with my cousin and her friend talking about random stuff. Ha ha. So, I was suppose to go yesterday with my so-called best friend but it's always some excuse why she cancels plans with me. Then tonight came and it was the last night to go before next Halloween. So, I decided to go tonight. Just me and my boyfriend. And I tell ya, it was so much fun!! This lady told us before we went in that it was SOOOOOOOOO scary. I was like, "Whoa!! Now I'm getting excited!!" I left everything in my car(purse, keys,phone,etc.) so I didn't get that many pictures. (I took a few after ward) I'm not gonna really go into everything about the house, just in case someone wants to go next year I don't wanna spoil it. But there was this room you walk on a bridge but whatever that is surrounding you is spinning and it makes you completely dizzy. I got so dizzy, I fell on the floor. I couldn't get up, so I crawled thru the rest of the bridge. That was nuts! lol And after we got out of the house, I ran to the car to get my camera and took a few pics with some of the monsters. It was fun! The line was long but it moved fast!! Next year, I'm going to try the 13 floor haunted house. That should be interesting. (he he he)

Yesterday was my friend's funeral. Though I wasn't too hype about going...I'm glad I went. I went because I didn't want to not show up because I'd want my friends to come to mines. It was well put together and organized. A lot of funerals I went to were kind of...ghetto or just last too long for no reason. A few friends and family got up and spoke and read poems and sung solos. Her dad got up and spoke as well. It wasn't in the program but he felt he could do it. He was strong the whole time, til he got to explaining the struggles him and his wife went through making sure she was going to be ok and taking care of her til her last days. I wish I could of saw her and spoke to her before all this. I spoke too, but I didn't get to say all I wanted to say because I got choked up and I got even more sad than I was before. I think about her a lot. I hate that had to happen to her. But I'm glad she isn't in anymore pain. I'm glad she isn't suffering from two different cancers. I'm glad I got to know her for this short time. R.I.P. Tiffani Nicole Capers "Tippy"

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