Friday, May 15, 2009

Blame it on the e-e-e-e-economy

Of course most of you should know who Jamie Foxx is...right? And I hope you've heard "blame it on the alcohol". Well someone made a spoof of it called "Blame it on the Economy". FUNNY AS HELL!!! I love it! It's so cute and on top of that, they got people who look like who they were trying to be! Good job, good job.


The Gardener said...

This is SOOO cool!!!!

Jayivey said...

LOL Ain't it? XD

Ms. T said...

He thats a cute phrase, yeap lets blame it on the economy. I am new follower to your blog, return the favor by adding mine. I only add people who seem like they are fun, and have interesting opinions. Take Care