If I don't stop NOT posting, I might as well close my account. But then again, where would ya'll be without me!? :) Yea...I put a smile on your face!
Anyway, things are still kinda crazy but at least I'm still alive, eh? I had a great mother's day!! I went to see my mom and hang with her. I made a video dedicated to her and gave her a pic of me and my brothers for her...and two dozen roses. Other gifts she got was a necklace, a lot of cards, flowers, perfume, a movie and of course, just seeing us! On my way home on that DARK highway, my car ran hot and I ended up having to catch a ride with my boyfriend. It was 2:30AM and I had to go to school in the morning. I was so tired. I was upset, too. What am I going to do!? I could try to share the car or catch the bus/train or buy a scooter that I really wanted!! (huge smile on option #3) Ok, so if you didn't already know, I LOVE those scooters that are out right now. I mean, they always were around but they gotten cool again or something. I test drove it and I had a great time! It was so fun and easy to ride. It's like riding a bike without paddling and going extra fast (like I like it!) Ok ok, off that....

Earlier in the week, I was at Starbucks getting my usual (soy toffee nut white mocha with no whip) and some lady walked up to me and ask could she give me her card. I'm like, "ok, why not". Then I noticed it was pink. WTF?! Yea, you should know where I'm going with this. I didn't even read the thing because I already knew what it was. She was trying to get me to join the mary kay cult! AHHHH! not again! If you read my previous post about the Mary Kay cult, this would be part two. Sad thing is that it wasn't even the same lady. They didn't know eachother, they were just trying to get people to join their team. Ok, that's all fine and dandy or whatever but if EVERYONE joins your team, then there wouldn't be no one to buy your product or have on your team. And it seems all glamourus but you really have to be a hustler to actually get those "$8,000" checks. That's what I think. Who knows...
There are a LOT of events that are coming up this month. Two of my closest best friends are graduating from High School and I'm SOOOO proud! The thing is, trying to get there. Now with my car messed up, that's going to make it extra changelling. :( But, we'll see.
As usual, I'm in class...so I guess I better get to it.
Til Next Time!!!
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