Wednesday, May 6, 2009

a breather...

Aww man! It's the 6th of the month and I haven't made a post?! What's wrong with me? I know ya'll miss the randomness. My bad. Been extremely busy and tired. I need a new job, by the way. It's sad that I don't have much spare time anymore. Like I'm in class as we speak typing this. Don't worry, we're on break. Midterms today! ugh....I need to figure something out.
So breifely what's been up,
I went to the movies to see X-men Origins: Wolveraine. (GREAT movie by the way)
Help my brother moved and was an hour and half late to work. All this because I wanted Sunday off for mother's day. (I'm the only person at my job who doesn't see their mom) It's been raining like everyday in GA for the past week or so...whoa. And terrible storm is heading this way! Not good. And now, I have to go back to class. I'll finish and do a better post. Promise.

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