Man, it's getting hot outside and I don't have a thing to wear. I still got sweaters but what fun is that?! People already look at me like I'm crazy. I don't need more of that! Gosh! lol
I'm really getting sick of my job. The customers ("guest") are a pain in the a**. There are more things that bother me but of course, since my face is all over this blog, there wouldn't be no denying I wrote it. Ugh...
I'm working on a way to get up some extra money while I plan my escape! lol nah...but for real, I do need money! Anyone wanna donate to the "J.I for an I" fund. Yea..I didn't think so.
I'm still trying to get better with that dumb 3D program, Maya. It's so hard...I hate it. Ugh...
If you ain't notice, I'm still at AiA. I hate that place too. Look at me, all this hate in the air. I'm usually against it. lol
Man, that show True Blood is returning to HBO soon. I'm excited. I have something to look forward to watching on TV again. Yay!
I'm working on my portfolio(not the modeling one) but my art one. One that shows my talent. I had a problem with that in the past. Everytime someone wanted to see my art work, I couldn't show them because I never had my "best" with me or at all...that's gonna change! Any suggestions!!??
I decided the other day I gotta put my cat on a diet. He's getting way way WAY too fat...so sad. I guess that's my fault. Kinda fed him too much. ugh
You notice when you quit a job and it was kinda on bad terms, when you come back to that place, it's always that weird awkwardness!? (You know, like running into an Ex of yours.) They always ask you things like "Soooo, how's the new job?" or "You still got that other job?" or "what are you doing with yourself now-a-days?"
A lot of times, I find myself asking myself Do I speak another language. This is because when I'm at work, people either don't understand what I'm saying or ask me "what?" over and over again.
Example: Guy walks in an orders something. I ask "what size?" He says his order again. I say "what size?" He gets loud with me and says his order again. I say "what SIZE??" and he says his order again, but this time slamming his hand down on the counter. Then his girlfriend says "she said what size." Then he says "oh. Small. " Like NOTHING didn't happen. WHAT DA HELL!? ugh... I need to learn spanish or japensse so at least if I'm speaking something else, they have a reason to ask me over and over, "what did I say?"
Ok, gotta get to work again...
Til next time!
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