Of course I might be late on this but I was in bed with a TERRIBLE stomach ache. I couldn't even go to work today. :( I needs money. But I was checking my email and my bro emailed me a link saying Jennifer Hudson's mother and brother was shot. WOW. That gotta be really REALLY hard. I mean, I know how it feels because I lost my brother in July of this year. It still hard at times. Whenever I see a gun or see the color red, I think of him. There were lots of good times there I think about but I stress myself out in the end because there's NOTHING I can do.
Anyway, it's really sad that she lost those two. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my mom, too. Jennifer Hudson was about to get married and everything. She just released an album. Then this? I'll keep her and many others who've lost someone in my prayers.

The thing that really erks me about when you have a death, it's like no one cares. They say their sorry and then they talk about something else. Do you know how many conversations I had with people about my bro and they just kinda blew me off. Then they'll say "let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I'm here." REALLY!?!? Really? Man, if that's what you call being there for someone, I don't want it. I can suffer alone. Well, anyway...
I'm not gonna rant on anymore about this. Sometimes people gets touchy about deaths. I guess they don't know what to say. I don't really know what to say at times. It's hard, though. God bless Jennifer Hudson, her mom, her brother and her family.

Crap. This is sooooo sad. The story about your bro also saddens me. I put you and your family in my prayers.
Thank you, Frenchy. That's sweet of you.
Your brother looked special. Not trying to talk bad about the deceased. He looks like he is off the rocker a bit.
He's not. That's kind of messed up to say about someone who is deceased.
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