After a long day of work, I came home to my bookie and huge kitten, Paco. We watched a little TV and talked. Then I got up and checked my email. I got an email...a video rather, of some of the McCain/Palin supporters. Um..it's really disturbing. I mean, really. I never really been into politics EVER! Today I tried to vote and the line was OUT THIS WORLD!!! I would of been late to work if I stayed and I had 2 and a half hours til I had to be in. I think this is the BIGGEST election thing in history. Man, it's really heating up. Ok, sorry...got off track. I really got depressed about that video. I know racism is still alive and kickin'. It's NEVER ok, but after a while, you just learn to kinda ignore it or just get use to it. But it's sad how IGNORANT some people are. I'm not saying that every person who supports McCain is ignorant or racist, nor am I saying republicans are, but you have to think about it...what do they really stand for? Why are they so hateful? Why is it ok for Sarah Palin not to answer any questions, hold a baby inside of her 8 hours after her water broke or say really derogatory things about her candiadate? Why is it ok for McCain to use every dirty trick against Obama to win or stand and support EVERYTHING Bush has done or thought of doing? And then people complain about how bad the economy is. Is it that they'll rather have a f***** up economy for the next 4-8 years than have a black man as president? What kind of junk is that? Then they look you in the eye and swear they aren't racist. It's like saying: "I like black people, they are cool. Oh? There's one trying to run the country? Oh that's a different story then." What do you call that?! You only accept black people to an certain extent? There is ignorance in EVERY race. Not just black, not just white, not just mexican. I just don't understand what the hell is up!? Some lady in the video said she's afraid that he [obama] don't like white people and isn't gonna show it til he gets elected. WTF? So, what she think is gonna happen? Obama is gonna bring slavery back on white people? HELLO?! It's 2008! A lot hasn't changed but that has! Besides, who would go for that? I mean, I'm sure some people might, but at the end of the day, it's not right. None of it. And some people latch on the the wrong things. Like: slavery. Some people think white people should pay for what happened years ago. Slavery was terrible but it's not happening right now. What is? Racism! That's what's happening. *sigh* I don't know. What's most frustrating is there's nothing anyone can do about it because it's always going to be someone who thinks different. It's sad. I really do hope Obama win and show these people that just because he's black does not mean he can't run the country properly or he's not human. *ouch* STOP LIVING IN THE PAST, PEOPLE!!!!!!!
P.S. That logo sucks!! (sorry, graphic designer speaking.)
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