You ever woke up on the wrong side of the bed and everything else went down hill from there? I did. It all started I woke up with only 35 mins to get ready and get to school. I got ready in time and got in my car, which had no gas but I didn't have time to stop. For some reason, I woke up mad about something that happened at work yesterday. (It just now hit me) I was almost out of my neighborhood and this lady with a huge SUV was hogging the whole road and on top of that almost hit me. (she didn't but it was too close for comfort.) When I got on the road to school, there was a LOT of traffic and also a school bus was holding up 4 lanes for some kids that were getting on the bus on that side and not crossing the street. (better safe than sorry I guess.) Then I got to this street that's a short cut to my school. They just made this new law you can't make left turns at certain times (i.e. 7-9am) That's the dumbest thing they could of done because a lot of people have to turn left all times of the day. They should of made a turning lane instead. So, I saw it was clear and I turned left. (sigh) 2 minutes later I got pulled over by the police. Even though he was nicer than most police officers, I was mad I got a ticket and after he gave me a ticket, he told me to have a good day. WTF?!??! Really!??! Why do they always say that?
So then I was 30 mins late to class. Today we had to turn in our projects, which I couldn't do cause I couldn't afford the text book. :( I got til monday to turn it in for one letter grade off. I guess that's better than an F.Then I found out my car is more messed up than it was before. My mom's birthday is coming up and I don't know if I'll be able to see her cause I don't know the driving arrangements and it seems my bro is dodging me on details. I had to take a test in my other class and didn't know anything because I don't have a book for that either. I watched a movie about a boy who tried to commit sucide which wasn't really the best for me (my brother died in July this year) So, that depressed me. I called about 5 people and NOBODY answered, except my cousin and she was sleeping. (she needs rest) I tried to cheer myself up. I listened to some music (John Legend new album). I drew a few comics. I thought about the first time me and my boyfriend got together and when we went to NY and went swimming. I got happy again...til I was late to my other class for why? I don't know! I don't have a watch!!!I got counted absent! AHHHH! I went home and talk to my mom for a second and then my boyfriend. But then I kinda took out my bad day on him and that made things worst. I couldn't log on to my email account. I tried everything. I was certain someone hacked into it and changed my info. Nothing worked! NOTHING. Then I ate some noodles and cried.
After I calm down a bit and read some quotes and really thought about everything, I tried my email one last time before I lay down and take a nap and what'da'ya know? It worked. First thing I did was email my boo and told him I'm sorry. I felt bad for being such an jackass. And I talk to my mom for a minute and apologized to her. I took a few deep breathes and then I wrote this blog. I'm still gonna take a nap before anything else goes wrong, but I had a BAD DAY.

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