I'm back! I know what you're saying: She's only been blogging for a few weeks and she's already taking breaks?
If I wrote every single day, you'll get tired of me...right? Exactly.
So, nothing too exciting happened today. I went to work for the majority of the day. (1 to 10pm) It was long, but still ok. I had a pretty good day. Made a few drinks, joked with the co-workers, blah... We got on the subject of Spongebob. Now I think he's gay. But one of my associates, manger and some random customers think he's natural. My bro thinks he's gay, too but my boyfriend thinks he's natural. Hmmmm, what do you think? Come on, the guy does the gayiest things! (rainbows, too close with patrick, don't seem to like females.) lol Well, it's all in fun.
I got a call from my boyfriend today during my break. He said my cat threw up under the microwave. I didn't think that was possible. My poor little paco. :( But he seems fine now. Yay!!
I guess I'll cut this one short. I got to work again tomorrow (12 to 8)
And Sunday, I'm planning to go to a tasting party thing... I hope it's fun. It'll be my first!
Til next time!!
under the microwave?
Yea! That's what I said!!
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