Saturday, May 23, 2009
Graduation night: Failed.
Ok, remember I said I was going to a graduation? I went. It went by so quick and it was ok I guess...I mean most graduations are boring til you see the person you came for walk across the stage. Anyway, the first time EVER that I've seen this at a graduation, someone got into a big fight! WHAT DA F***?! How are you going to fight at a graduation?! You are not only looking dumb but you're ruining other people's special night. Thanks a lot, assholes. Jeez. And nobody knows what they were even fighting about. It was like 2 grown women and 4 other young girls. Wow. So, there was the usual weave on the ground afterwards. Police and screaming people. So sad. I guess on a good note, most of everyone I knew didn't see the fight. Only the people on the inside of the building saw it. So sad...Shaking my head.
Friday, May 22, 2009
graduation day! (for the young'ns)

Today, I'm getting ready to go to one of my BF's graduation. I'm so proud of her! It was actually 4 graduations I was suppose to appear to this week, but I had to miss one because of school. Ugh...who goes to school from 6 to 10pm anyway?!! I will be making 3 of them because they are all at the same place. Isn't that something? lol But at least I'm going to be there! :) My mom and dad went to the one I couldn't go to. They said it was really nice and my friend looked really pretty. :) (sorry I couldn't make it, red.)
So, anyway today I will be getting ready for my hour long drive to see my friends and some of my family. But in the meantime I have to do something with my hair! It sucks so bad!!!
I think it's going to rain. And my cat is so bad...he eats all the time and he messes up everything.
Ok, now random question of the day.... Cicly Tyson or Ester Roll...Who rocked it better?
Til next time...I gotta get ready to go!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Why I love art.

There are a TON of reasons why I love art. Art is a form of communication to everyone all over the world. You don't need to speak every language to interpret art. Art is a beautiful form of expression. Everyone has art. Everyone like art. Art is wonderful. I love art.
When I see beautiful artwork, it makes me remember why I came to this dump (aia).
My mother always inspired me from day one, when I discovered I had an artistic ability. She didn't let me lose it. She pushed me to keep doing what I loved. She didn't have much but she would always let me draw on the back of her old work documents or scrap paper she found. Thanks mom.
A man that I have known since I was 14 and is as close and dear to me as ever is one of my biggest inspirations. He makes me believe that I am good. Not just good enough. He's an artist himself, so I can take his word for it. He inspires me when I see him do a good piece from time to time.
A good friend of mines who I met when I first moved here is a very great artist. He use to be alone a lot but hung with me and my roomie and friends occasionally. He wants to be an illustrator. I always admired his artwork. I never see him because he's always on the go but I do see his work from time to time. It gets me inspired.
Sometimes just really good movies or book covers or things I see around makes me inspired. Not particularly a person. But whatever the art form is, whether it's music, drawing, painting, modeling, designing hair style or clothes, cooking or whatever, art is art. Art is beautiful and original.
That's why I love art.
Til next time
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
rainy days
On a raining gray saturday, I sit reading a Marie Claire magazine and eating left over lasagna that I cooked an previous day and wishing I didn't have to work.
That's how most of my saturdays or weekends are. I would much rather be eating a hot fudge sundae doodling in my sketch book or curled up eating strawberry sorbet watching a movie with my boo. But that's life. Ever since I been working and out of my parents' house, I never had a Saturday off. Or Friday, nor Sunday. I guess that's life. No complains here....just saying.
I have a great friend who's really close to me and my family. I know something she doesn't know and well, because she doesn't know this, it's hurt her so bad. She' mad at the wrong person. What do I do? I mean, it's non of my business to get involved but when someone you see is hurt by it, do you sit back and watch? And I just know that if she found out the truth, she'll be mad at me for not saying anything because we are "better" than that. :( Oh well...I'll figure something out.
School is boring and depressing.
Work...I don't even wanna talk about.
And life....well, I'm here! I'm glad I still have my family and loved ones.
Well, I guess I'll end this one...
Til next time!
That's how most of my saturdays or weekends are. I would much rather be eating a hot fudge sundae doodling in my sketch book or curled up eating strawberry sorbet watching a movie with my boo. But that's life. Ever since I been working and out of my parents' house, I never had a Saturday off. Or Friday, nor Sunday. I guess that's life. No complains here....just saying.
I have a great friend who's really close to me and my family. I know something she doesn't know and well, because she doesn't know this, it's hurt her so bad. She' mad at the wrong person. What do I do? I mean, it's non of my business to get involved but when someone you see is hurt by it, do you sit back and watch? And I just know that if she found out the truth, she'll be mad at me for not saying anything because we are "better" than that. :( Oh well...I'll figure something out.
School is boring and depressing.
Work...I don't even wanna talk about.
And life....well, I'm here! I'm glad I still have my family and loved ones.
Well, I guess I'll end this one...
Til next time!
Friday, May 15, 2009
My timely rants/news

Man, it's getting hot outside and I don't have a thing to wear. I still got sweaters but what fun is that?! People already look at me like I'm crazy. I don't need more of that! Gosh! lol
I'm really getting sick of my job. The customers ("guest") are a pain in the a**. There are more things that bother me but of course, since my face is all over this blog, there wouldn't be no denying I wrote it. Ugh...
I'm working on a way to get up some extra money while I plan my escape! lol nah...but for real, I do need money! Anyone wanna donate to the "J.I for an I" fund. Yea..I didn't think so.
I'm still trying to get better with that dumb 3D program, Maya. It's so hard...I hate it. Ugh...
If you ain't notice, I'm still at AiA. I hate that place too. Look at me, all this hate in the air. I'm usually against it. lol
Man, that show True Blood is returning to HBO soon. I'm excited. I have something to look forward to watching on TV again. Yay!
I'm working on my portfolio(not the modeling one) but my art one. One that shows my talent. I had a problem with that in the past. Everytime someone wanted to see my art work, I couldn't show them because I never had my "best" with me or at all...that's gonna change! Any suggestions!!??
I decided the other day I gotta put my cat on a diet. He's getting way way WAY too sad. I guess that's my fault. Kinda fed him too much. ugh
You notice when you quit a job and it was kinda on bad terms, when you come back to that place, it's always that weird awkwardness!? (You know, like running into an Ex of yours.) They always ask you things like "Soooo, how's the new job?" or "You still got that other job?" or "what are you doing with yourself now-a-days?"
A lot of times, I find myself asking myself Do I speak another language. This is because when I'm at work, people either don't understand what I'm saying or ask me "what?" over and over again.
Example: Guy walks in an orders something. I ask "what size?" He says his order again. I say "what size?" He gets loud with me and says his order again. I say "what SIZE??" and he says his order again, but this time slamming his hand down on the counter. Then his girlfriend says "she said what size." Then he says "oh. Small. " Like NOTHING didn't happen. WHAT DA HELL!? ugh... I need to learn spanish or japensse so at least if I'm speaking something else, they have a reason to ask me over and over, "what did I say?"
Ok, gotta get to work again...
Til next time!
Blame it on the e-e-e-e-economy
Of course most of you should know who Jamie Foxx is...right? And I hope you've heard "blame it on the alcohol". Well someone made a spoof of it called "Blame it on the Economy". FUNNY AS HELL!!! I love it! It's so cute and on top of that, they got people who look like who they were trying to be! Good job, good job.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

If I don't stop NOT posting, I might as well close my account. But then again, where would ya'll be without me!? :) Yea...I put a smile on your face!
Anyway, things are still kinda crazy but at least I'm still alive, eh? I had a great mother's day!! I went to see my mom and hang with her. I made a video dedicated to her and gave her a pic of me and my brothers for her...and two dozen roses. Other gifts she got was a necklace, a lot of cards, flowers, perfume, a movie and of course, just seeing us! On my way home on that DARK highway, my car ran hot and I ended up having to catch a ride with my boyfriend. It was 2:30AM and I had to go to school in the morning. I was so tired. I was upset, too. What am I going to do!? I could try to share the car or catch the bus/train or buy a scooter that I really wanted!! (huge smile on option #3) Ok, so if you didn't already know, I LOVE those scooters that are out right now. I mean, they always were around but they gotten cool again or something. I test drove it and I had a great time! It was so fun and easy to ride. It's like riding a bike without paddling and going extra fast (like I like it!) Ok ok, off that....

Earlier in the week, I was at Starbucks getting my usual (soy toffee nut white mocha with no whip) and some lady walked up to me and ask could she give me her card. I'm like, "ok, why not". Then I noticed it was pink. WTF?! Yea, you should know where I'm going with this. I didn't even read the thing because I already knew what it was. She was trying to get me to join the mary kay cult! AHHHH! not again! If you read my previous post about the Mary Kay cult, this would be part two. Sad thing is that it wasn't even the same lady. They didn't know eachother, they were just trying to get people to join their team. Ok, that's all fine and dandy or whatever but if EVERYONE joins your team, then there wouldn't be no one to buy your product or have on your team. And it seems all glamourus but you really have to be a hustler to actually get those "$8,000" checks. That's what I think. Who knows...
There are a LOT of events that are coming up this month. Two of my closest best friends are graduating from High School and I'm SOOOO proud! The thing is, trying to get there. Now with my car messed up, that's going to make it extra changelling. :( But, we'll see.
As usual, I'm in I guess I better get to it.
Til Next Time!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
a breather...
Aww man! It's the 6th of the month and I haven't made a post?! What's wrong with me? I know ya'll miss the randomness. My bad. Been extremely busy and tired. I need a new job, by the way. It's sad that I don't have much spare time anymore. Like I'm in class as we speak typing this. Don't worry, we're on break. Midterms today! ugh....I need to figure something out.
So breifely what's been up,
I went to the movies to see X-men Origins: Wolveraine. (GREAT movie by the way)
Help my brother moved and was an hour and half late to work. All this because I wanted Sunday off for mother's day. (I'm the only person at my job who doesn't see their mom) It's been raining like everyday in GA for the past week or so...whoa. And terrible storm is heading this way! Not good. And now, I have to go back to class. I'll finish and do a better post. Promise.
So breifely what's been up,
I went to the movies to see X-men Origins: Wolveraine. (GREAT movie by the way)
Help my brother moved and was an hour and half late to work. All this because I wanted Sunday off for mother's day. (I'm the only person at my job who doesn't see their mom) It's been raining like everyday in GA for the past week or so...whoa. And terrible storm is heading this way! Not good. And now, I have to go back to class. I'll finish and do a better post. Promise.
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