You ever have those days when things are going ok, not great just ok, and then something happens and it just get so much worst!? Yea, me too.
Well, I can say this all started yesterday. My day was actually pretty good. I got a free drink at Starbucks just because I took the time to talk to lady that was working. She was nice. :) Then I got some free chocolate from one of my favorite chocolate stores...just cause. In return, I brought her a smoothie. I went to work, it was kinda busy but cool. The day went by fast which was good for me because I didn't wanna be there. LOL I talk to my bff on the phone for a minute until we were disconnected. Then I headed to one of my co-worker's house. She was cooking dinner (which was actually some food she promised me) and ended up inviting some more people over for the food,too. We talk for a while (while Family Matters was on in the background, hehe) and she finished cooking. Finally, the people she invited came over. We talked, played some random game "brutle honesty" since we didn't have any Uno cards. Now, I was happy I wasn't a klutz all day...until just when I was leaving, I spilled a full cup of juice. Not only it got on the table, it got on the floor and my very expensive phone that I didn't even have for a year yet. *sigh* Always Fubu, right? I ended up getting home very late and had people worried and mad. Stupid me, didn't call and a lot of this could of been easily avoided...or at least just took the food and ran. hmm... So, the next day (which is today) I didn't exactly get up on time for work. My phone was also my alarm clock. I had my back up old fashion one with the bells... it woke me up too early. I'm tired as crap right now. I got to work an hour and a half late. My manager was giving me a hard time, too. I don't care though. After work, I went to T-Mobile to get another phone. I had to call the insurance company which lucky I had. :) Then they gave me this terrible old school bootleg loaner phone to borrow until I get my new one in the mail. This thing suck! It's in black and white, the buttons are hard to push, the applications suck and ring tones...ugh...don't get my started. And now I'm at school trying to figure out this 3D program for the um-teenth time...*sigh* Could of been worst, right?
Til next time
You was probably up to no good out that late
Umm...No. I just explained that, dude.
I think you was up to no good. You said you got a free drink @ Starbucks, free candy, and a free meal, AND you was out late, AND your phone was messed up? SOUNDS FISHY TO ME!
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