Ok, there's this thing that happens every year at my school and a few other schools called the Campus Movie Fest! It's were students, staff, and faculty team together to make an awesome 5 minute film. The catch is..you only have one week to do EVERYTHING!! That's right, one week to film, direct, act, and edit a film. Believe me, it's more challenging than it sounds. :) Then they take 2 weeks to judge which 16 they like and will go to the finals. (I hope I get somewhere) This Saturday happen to be the final for us. We shall see. So anyway, I decided to enter in this year. I tell you, it's a LOT harder than it sounds. But we got it done! We only had a day and a half for my group to film because everyone's hecked schedules. But the outcome was great!! I was really happy with it actually. Looking back on it, there would of been some things I would of changed, added or done different. But this was my first movie using really good equipment and having people other than my family to be in! One day, when I figure out how to do it, I will put it on here so you can see my "masterpiece". lol Til then...Just know I had fun.
WE did do it didn't we
Um...yes...whoever you are! WE did it!! :)
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