After a few long days full of work, school and chores, I'm ready for the weekend! I finally get an actual weekend!! :) I haven't been excited about a friday since....high school! lol Yeesss, that means I'm off tomorrow! I don't even know what I'm going to do.
....Probably clean or something...lol or work on some work for school or my portfolio. Well, it's just good to know I have some time to do something! But when next week comes again, I'm back on the grind, making biscuits so ya'll don't go hungry!! Ha!
OK, I'm going to stop being stupid. Earlier this week I got really sick because I took too many pills. Not just any kind of pills. No! These were ones with huge doses of harmones. Yea yea, what was I thinking? It wasn't suppose to go that way. I missed Friday and then I missed Saturday. So what I thought is if I took them all Sunday, including Sunday's pill, I'll be caught up and ok. WRONG!!!!
Man, was I wrong. As soon as I took that 3rd pill, I felt sick to my stomach, my head hurt, felt queasy and dizzy and oh yea...blood! (too much info? ...I don't care right now) I thought that if I slept it off, I'll be ok. WRONG AGAIN, J!!!!!!!!
I went to work at 9am the next day. I was standing on my feet all day. I felt like falling over and dying. I was so dizzy. My stomach was killing me. My right leg went numb for some strange reason. Man, I need help. So, I ended up going to the Doctor and letting them run test and what not. But after I told them what happened, they knew what was wrong. I took too many damn pills!! They still proceded with the test and called me the next day with the results. (I'm good) When I got home, my boyfriend fed me and I laid down. After a few hours of laying down and drinking lots of fluids, I was ok. And my leg felt much better by the end of the night and next day. Through the rest of the week, I felt like throwing up everyday and my stomach didn't set right with me. But by today, I think I'm back to norman! :) Yaaaaaaaaaay!
And that was my stupid week. Not to mention, everyone who wondered what was wrong with me and I told them, EVERYONE said "DO NOT EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!!! YOU COULD OF DIED!!!" Jee, thanks. I know that now. But I wasn't sure because I wasn't even a teenager when I started taking these damn things. What do you expect??? Yea yea...should of still not did it.
Til Next Time!
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