Back so soon?
Yes, I didn't want to put two different subjects in the same post. Maybe I should of? I don't know. Anyway, another thing I have been thinking about is....(drum roll) Women.
Yes, that's right. Women. Not just any women. Black women. Why? Because...
For how long have black women been looked at as "objects"? Just T&A or something to pour champagne on? You know what I mean.
It's very sad to see this all the time, growing up and just being an adult. Where's the respect? When I was younger, I use to wonder was this how I suppose to be? Lucky for me I had a great mother who was a wonderful example for me. Somehow, I still can't help but question sometimes.
I know I'm forever confused and that's ok because we all can't know it all. But I just don't understand that aspect. I know everyone has a price and if someone came to you and asked you to be in a magazine, you'd say yes! After all, everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame. Then they told you you'd have to be semi-nude. You'll think about it (if you're that type of person) and then they'll offer you money. Depending on how much and how bad you really need it, you'll probably go for it. Then they tell you what kind of poses they want you to do and then you're thinking wow...all this for $150? Uhh..ok. Then you sign a model release and BAM! Pervs all over are jacking off to your pics! That was easy, wasn't it?
I'm not knocking anyone who does this stuff and enjoy it. I'm really not. Sex sales. People love sex. I think I just figured out that I can't win in this battle. (silly me)
The point of this blog was why are black women looked at as just big butts and boobs? Who cares if her face is jacked up or if she has AIDS or 22 kids or use to be a man 2 years ago. It sickens me to see little girls grow up to be that way. Like this video I saw of these little kids at a birthday party dancing like "grown people". And when I say Grown People, I mean, she was grinding on that little boy with her skrawny butt in the air. She was doing things you would see in a club. I was disgusted. Who's parents let that girl go out like that? And where did she learn that from? SMH....
I wish this generation wasn't so fast and stupid. Book smarts is there, everything else is down hill. Can you imagine what it's going to be like in the next 50 years? OH MAN...
Some people think that I'm just jealous of other women who are in the spot light. Ok. But just answer this: is it right for anybody to galk, beat, rape, take advantage of or treat as though they aren't human at all??
Once again, I'm done ranting.