Every morning when I get up, I have a normal routine. I get up, look around, walk to the window and look out of it to see if it's sunny or rainy. (once when I didn't do that, I ran out the house with no coat on and it was SNOWING) Then I go to the bathroom to, you know, brush my teeth, wash my face, blah blah blah. OK! Well this particular morning, I got up and looked out the window, I saw something strange stuck in the bush in front of my porch. I was thinking to myself, "nah, it couldn't be, could it?" Well I went to put my contacts on because I am very blind. When I came back, it was exactly what I thought it was. A condom! Somebody must have a great night the night before and wasn't thinking about the disposal of it or something. I was gonna go up stairs to the guy who lives above me and ask him was it his. And if so, CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF MAN!! It was just hanging there. And it had something inside it....EWWW EWWW EWW!! On his porch above mine, there were clothes or something hanging off the balcony and I guess it was in there and fell off. That wasn't exactly the best thing to wake up to. Oh well... people are too open with their sex lives these days. Shame...lol
Til next time
(strap up!)
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