Ok, I'm back. What?! Twice in one day?! This is absurd!! Nah, I been meaning to sit down and just write about crap off the top of my head for a while. Thing is, I never have time. It's always something. Lately, it's been the evil AIA taking my time. I could just throw that to the side and write anyway, but then I'd fail class and be kicked out of school and you wouldn't want that, now would you? I thought so.
I'm pretty sure by now everyone seen the MTV movie awards. (If you haven't, what's wrong with you? And not having cable isn't an excuse anymore.) So, that part where Brono (whatever his name is) falls onto eminem's face with his butt crack exposed...funny stuff. I thought that was really messed up. (in a funny, laugh my ass off kind of way.) So after days of thinking that crap was real, I read somewhere it was staged! Why am I not surprised!?! Mostly everything on TV or internet is staged. Who does things naturally anymore!? Why do we need to? (being sarcastic here, people) So, after I was a little bummed about that...I ate a protein bar and continued being bored out my mind. I'm so sleepy.
You notice on those days when you just don't feel like talking to anyone or being bothered, that's when EVERYONE wants to talk to you, even people you don't know. Your teacher, random people in the halls, the guy who puts boots on your car if you're illegally parked, some little child that shouldn't be at your school in the first place, etc...(not really, but you get it)
What's the deal with shoulder pads? Why are they coming back in style?! That junk wasn't hot! Why are they acting like it looks good?! And another thing, ( I don't feel like arguing) but those stupid onesy suits that Lady Gaga and Beyonce and others be trying to rock now, NOT HOT. ok. That crap is annoying. It was cool at first. Kinda cute, I guess. But now it's just plan annoying. Everyone does it, even the trannies. Yes, them too! Speaking of trannies, I miss living downtown. I saw them everyday! lol
My cat needs a playmate. He always getting into something and messing things up. So, when I get a chance, I'm going to get him another little friend. Hopefully a girl. I want to name her Picah. If you have any objections, I really don't give a f***.
My brother been tripping out a lot at work lately. It's kinda funny. He told me today they had some fire alarm go off and told them to stay in their seats while it was going off. He said "hell no" and ran outside. Why?! Why would you do that?! lol You don't wanna risk losing your job. Not in this hell-hole of an economy. Ughhh....
Last night, I was watching Bizzare Foods and Mr.Andrew was eating something that look like slop. You know when you were a little kid and you didn't quite eat all of your food, so you mixed everything and some all together and made a weird looking....gross slop? Yea, that's what that look like. And he drunk some snot looking egg nog stuff...which he really didn't drink it. That was funny. It's hard to fake like you like something in someone face so you don't hurt their feelings. I know...'cause I tried.
There was this girl in an empty classroom I was using at the time and she just started talking to me out the blue. She was nice and all, seemed kinda young. (younger than the average college student age) She was drawing something and I looked at it. She asked me what did I think. I told her it looked really good and she had something there. Well, truth is...I lied. I usually don't like to lie to people, especially if they didn't deserve it. But what the heck was I gonna do? I couldn't say, "man, that shit suck". That would of hurt her feelings. Ok, let's back it up. It wasn't THAT bad. It just wasn't that good. Like, she draws better than an 8th grader and most adults with no drawing abilities but not great to get the lead job in character design at Disney. I'm not the best now, so don't think I'm blowing my on horn. She really believed me. Maybe if I ran into her again, I'd give her a fair critique. The coloring was good, though.
Well, I think I'll end this weird one where it is. Like it is.
Til next timez....