Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Dumb stuff people do
Do you ever find yourself sitting at the computer waiting for an email? What has the world come to?
Random thoughts for food?

Rap music kinda annoys me now. I use to like it, some what. But now, it's just total garbage. And it's not knock at the GOOD rap. It's that BS by the name of Soulja Boy and Lil'B...ugh. They give good music a bad name.
I'm not into that music that sounds like cats stepping on pianos and a man screaming at the top of his lungs either...(what do you call that?)
I also realize that the weather channel does not predict the weather too good anymore... You think it's gonna be all sunny and smiles, and BAM! Flash flood. Haha, I guess that's life, huh?
I should be doing some sort of homework assignment or project but once again, I'm not able to concentrate. Too much on my mind?
I got an email from my teacher reminding us to meet at a gallery about 30 mins away from where I live. Um...what?
I'm trying to get a new kitty. She's 5 weeks. The youngest I've had in a really long time. Trying to decide when I'm going to go get her.
I have a craving for a pretzel...but I can't get one.
What's with this world and sex anyway? And dumb people....yeah, they annoy me too.
Yeah, random, I know. This is my thought process on a regular basis.
I guess I'll go now. So much to do...not enough time in a day.
Till next time...or not.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
what a day...
You know those days when you think to yourself, you should of stayed in bed...Man, today was one of those days.
I mean the only thing good that came out good from today is I got a job...ABOUT DARN TIME!! :( I should of stayed in bed, though...for real...
Plus, my dad...seriously needs to get off Facebook! >:( But that's another story for another time.
Til next darn time....
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Public service announcements
I wonder why people don't wash their hands when they come out of the bathroom? I mean, we just went through the whole swine flu scare thing and crap and people still don't do it? What gives? I mean, are you THAT darn gross?! Ugh...I makes me nervous now to shake hands with anyone or whatever. I can't just NOT wash my hands. Ugh...and worse enough, it's like people don't care that you are in the same bathroom with you. Man, I'm going to stick to head nods or dap...or something... Hugs aren't even safe anymore. LOL
Random...I know, but people please! WASH YOUR HANDS!!!!
One of those days
Hello again! Yeah, yeah, I know its been a while again, but at least it hasn't been a few months in between. With all the things that are going on these days, sometimes it's hard to just you know, write. At least for me it is. Anyway...
Another weird sunny/hot/partially cloudy day....and I'm in the house just lounging. I could be doing something constructive. It's not like I don't have anything to do. But I'm just eating waffles, talking to my cousin, and writing this. Hmm.
I think I'm going to look into another profession... something that doesn't cost much but will make much. If that makes sense.
Yahoo news usually have good news but when it's slow news day, OMG, do they put the most random nonsense articles up. I can't really lie, though. I do enjoy the "best frozen foods to eat and the worst frozen foods to eat" articles. Ugh...
I think I need more motivation because it's hard for me to get things done and with it not being enough hours in a day, what's a girl to do?? Sometimes, I question is animation is what I want to do anymore. I love to draw. I love to make stories. But when it comes to me animating, I choke up...ugh. Why don't I have more confidence in myself? Who knows. I have a great support system in my hometown and in my apartment which I love them very much. But for some reason, I can't get inspired the way I should be...ugh.
It started to rain really bad just now. Pouring. I been writing this entry for about 3 hours now. Why am I not done? I think I need a cup of coffee. I think I'm going to go get me some.
In the meantime, blah. Because it's just one of does days.
Till next time
Monday, May 3, 2010
Just a thought
Just thought about something while I was watching Family Guy...You notice how a lot of the American cartoons have an over sized husband and it's cool, but the wife has to be in shape or else? Hmm...American subliminal messages....
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