Sometimes you look back and think about the things you talk about among others are a little...weird...lol
Earlier today, I went out to eat with a few of my girlfriends from school. We had a pretty deep conversation about...Disney princesses. Yeah, corny convo it seem, it had to be discussed because we were all (except one graphic designer) animators. This stuff matters! Well, the argument was, is Pocahontas a whore or not? My opinion, she wasn't. Me, being one of the very few who liked Pocahontas, thought she was just doing what was right back then. I mean, think about it. Back then, us women had no rights. We couldn't do jack! And she was basically forced to be what they considered civilized and marry that John guy and have a family. In the Disney version of the story, she met John Smith and was in a blissful romantic creep with the strange white man. But no one wanted them to be together and she was set to marry Kokum. (Who the hell would want to do that? That dude was too serious) And John was all about fun and adventure. Well, Kokum was killed, John was shot and had to return to England and Pocahontas was left in native America to live life with her tribe. On the second one, (which sucked ass) She went to England and met another guy named John (not John Smith). This guy was less adventurous but had the stability Pocahontas so called needed. John Smith came back in the picture after being in jail for a while and still had the hots for Pocahontas but she seem to had fallen for other John guy. At the end, she ended up with that other John guy and well, John Smith had to be ok with it. And he was. He kept on living his adventurous life. Now, did she have to marry that other guy? No. Did she have to marry anyone? nah. But back then, I guess it was required. In the real story of Pocahontas, it wasn't as blissful as one would think. But according to Chief Roy Crazy Horse (one of her living kins) said that the true story was she was a prisoner at 17 when she was on a visit to England, John Rolfe took to liking her and she had to marry him if he got her out of jail, she married him and had a son name Thomas, she saw John Smith on the streets somewhere and was furious with him so she turned her back to him, hid her face and went off alone somewhere for a few hours. Then the next time she saw him, she called him a liar and showed him the door. Her name was changed to Rebecca Rolfe. Pocahontas meant "the naughty one" or "spoiled child". She was 11 or 12 when the whole "saving of John Smith's life" happened. She was on her way to Virginia with her husband and child but was forced to get off the boat before they got there. She died that same month that happened at age 21 and when John Smith found out about her death, that's when that story of her saving his life came about. The white men turned their backs on the "indians" and took their land. The end. Not so blissful, eh? Yeah...thought so. With that being known, I don't think she was a whore at all. Some mix ups and false stories were told but hey, isn't that all through history? And we never really know the real truth behind these things anyway. The girls I had this convo with said that Esmarelda was not a whore...but isn't that was gypsies where? They say she carried herself well though, even though that blond soldier guy wanted her (and got her in the end) and the hunchback guy had a crush on her but they could only be friends because let's face it, Disney clearly teaches our little girls that if you are attractive, you shall never be with someone homely looking no matter how good of a heart they may have. Go for the cute guy! And then there was that old dude that was dressed like a priest. What was his deal? Dude wanted Esmarelda for himself too, but when he found out that the whore wasn't gonna give him any "cookies", he got mad and started burning up buildings and crap. Isn't the normal way that men handle rejection back then was just "take it" (rape) or kill her? But he wanted to take it out on the whole town...plus kill her. How selfish, dude. Also, Ariel from the Little Mermaid...she was a 16 year old girl who fell in love with some dude she saw on a boat and married him when she took her fins off. Then had a child with him a year later...Um...she's not a whore..but man, she was young when she did all this. When did this take place? Obviously back when marrying at 16 was OK. Hmmm...
Well, being up til 7am everyday for the past 3 weeks has been draining and killing me on my part because I can't get up early or do what I have to get done in the daylight hours. Ugh. I might have to get on some pills or something. For the sake of humanity...and myself. I'm going to quit rambling about nonsense for now and TRY to call it a night. I have school tomorrow. And man, I'm not looking forward to it.
A side note to the Native American thing: A few years back, my dad was almost arrested for walking around town in Tennessee without his tribal papers/documents. They wanted to see them or he had to get back to the reserve. That goes to show you that they still mistreat them so bad til this day. Why can't they walk around like everyone else? Wtf?!
She is a fucking whore, the blond guys took a bullet for her, and the bitch abandoned him for other man.
I don't think she was a whore, but she had a good ass!
The movies were so inaccurate that they basically set her up to fail. The movie version most definitely made Pocahontas look and act on screen as a whore. It was so awful... That being said the actual history of her she was not because the love triangle weird crap never really happened.
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