I'm back again with more randomness and questions that make you think!! Today, I'm wondering are filmmakers running out of ideas? I ask this because I went to the movies on Thursday night to see Kick Ass with my boyfriend. We both been excited about seeing the movie since it was originally a comic. The comic was GREAT! But sad. I think they were going for the more realistic approach. The movie was almost exactly like the comic, except they changed up a few scenes which were for the better. *spoiler alert*(I'm soooo happy they didn't let what happened to Big Daddy in the comic happen in the movie. I would of been really sad)
Anyway, while we were eating our snacks and watching 20 minutes of previews, I noticed that most of the movies that is coming out in the future are...well, either comic turned movie, video game turned movie, or book turned movie. Then that sparked my question: Are they running out of ideas!? Come on! Movie makers, what are you doing?! Is it hard to sit down and write an original story? Actually...maybe it is a little harder than it sounds. I have writter's/drawer's block all the time. So, I guess I can feel them on that...but jeez, that's what writers are for also! I mean, don't get me wrong, I love seeing my favorite comics/video games turned into movies (if they stick to the actual script and don't change it up too drastic!) but sometimes, that's not always a good thing. Because if you were like us, read the comic before the movie came out, you basically know what's going to happen in the movie before it happens (if they follow it to a T) or you'll be watching the movie and comparing it to the comic. It's fun sometimes, but at the same time, it's like can they can't come up with anything original? Hmmm. I guess that's just me.
Well, to those who haven't seen Kick Ass, you need to! It's great! It's awesome! It's...Kick Ass!! :)
Seriously, it was worth the wait. I loved it! And I have to say, I liked how it ended in the movie better than how it ended in the first volume of the comic. Now, I wanna see Scott Pilgrim; Another great comic turned movie. Only problem I have with this movie so far is, Michael Cera is playing Scott Pilgrim! What da fuzz?! I mean, if you read Scott Pilgrim, dude looks nothing like him nor act nothing like him. Two different personalities and might I add, that was a bad casting on their part. :( Can't win them all.
Well, I'm heading off to bed. I'm cold. I'm sleepy. And I think I'm starting to hear things. O_O what?!
Til next time, because it's just so much better than the last.