So, today while I was out running erruns and such, I found a rose next to my car on the passenger side. I don't know if it was there before and I didn't notice it...but there it was. One single yellow rose. It kinda was dehydrated... maybe it was out in the sun too long. who knows? Well, I picked it up and put it in my car. Maybe it's a sign or something or good luck or something. I don't know. It was kinda weird though. (thanks?)
"Something always brings me back to you, it never takes too long..." I had this song in my head all frickin' day!!! Ugh!! I need to get it somehow... It sucks being broke, people. Keep your job, even if you hate it! And if you get offered something better, keep the old one because you might get screwed over with the new one. Take advice from a pro...
I know this is really odd, but I didn't just want to talk about the the darn rose and that's it...But I guess that's exactly what I'm gonna do because I have nothing else to say.
Stay true til next time!
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