Hello people...those of you who still read. I know I been slacking. You don't even wanna know. It's late at night and I'm drinking some cocoa (which isn't bad even though it's made with water) and trying to put myself to sleep. I'm visiting my mom again before I have to go back to school and also have a doctor's appointment. (Don't worry, I'm ok) I haven't been sleeping at night now a days. I guess back to my old routines, ay? Ugh... Anyway, some random thoughts came to mind and I decided, "Hey! Since you're up at like 3:40am and have nothing else better to do with your life, write a blog post about random thoughts!" (yeah...isn't that why I started this thing in the first place?)
A while back after I saw the movie Inglorious Bastards (which was pretty great-lots of talking though. :P)

Ok, off that subject. I was surfing the web the other night and I ran into this very stupid looking movie that I just had to say something about. It's called The Hottie and The Nottie!
WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! (sorry, you have to curse for that) It stars Paris Hilton. It's about some guy who tries to get with Paris,who he fell in love with since childho

I been listening to Sara Bareilles lately. The 3 songs I heard besides her hit single, Love Song, are actually pretty good. I'm impressed. I think I will probably have to get that album. And also another good album is Mayer Hawthorne, which I didn't really know anything about this guy. He just seem to come out of nowhere but I was told I should listen to him. (thanks, nappyafro.com) Glad I did. Good stuff.
I hear starbucks is making those little instant coffee packs. Ok, that's cool for those who needs some quick coffee, but for some reason, I never was able to trust coffee that desolves in the water...that's like drinking tea leaves in your water...ewwwwwwww!! The article I read about it was saying it was more popular overseas...not too much here in America. Why am I not surprised? Ugh... I don't know... I like to see how well this is going to play out. They already started making those coffee filter things. It's like a flat disc of coffee for single serving usage. Seems like a good idea, but only works in special kinds of coffee makers. Genius idea! (Why did I pick a picture with Hillary Clinton on it?)

Well, I'm gonna take it into bed now. Take care, peoples. with love.
Til next time...
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