How about that inauguration?! Nice. Straight to the point. Man, I even missed school for this. I know, I know, sad. They were playing it in the cafe. But if my teacher saw me, he'd probably say something to me about not coming and I don't think he'd think this was a valid excuse to miss class. Hmm... it's still historic!

Speaking of the inauguration, did anyone see George Bush dap that lady with the red coat?! Man, Mr.Bush is a character for you! lol That lady looked shocked. I thought it was funny. She wiped her hand off on her coat after that too. Wtf?
I didn't get to see the Inaugural Ball for the youth or something. I heard it was good...or as good as it can be. I saw a couple of pics from the Ball and there was one thing that stood out to me that made me shake my head. On one pic of Kanye, it says "Singer Kanye West performs at Inaugural Ball." Then a few pics later, it says, "REFILE CORRECTION: musician Kanye West performs at Inaugural Ball". What the hell?! Is it THAT serious, ye? Maybe it is. I wouldn't know.
Seeing some of these pics and the inauguration reminded me of a story or a movie. You know how it seem like things were all so bad but in the end, it worked out. Like a happy ending? You know... I don't know...

Hopefully we will have some sort of change. And maybe...just maybe one day I'll stop hearing people screaming that Jeezy song... It was a neat concept and stuff...but got really old. really fast. I did like Jay-z's verse, though. lol
I hope everyone was warm because it was cold as heck outside here. I almost froze my toes off. I know if it's this cold where I am, it's unbareable where they are!! I mean, we had snow (flurries) 3 times today! Brrrrrrrr!
Goodbye, George W. Bush!
Welcome, Barack Obama! Make us all proud! And those who don't want to give you a chance, show them how awesome you are! Yes we did. :)
Til next time....
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