So, it's finally here. 2009. That "better" year we all hope for, which is no different from the other past um-tenth years because by the end of every year, it's never a "great year" and everyone always hope that next year bring so much better things. I guess that's a good hope, dream perhaps. I mean, I'm guilty of saying that, too. Truthfully, I do hope that it does be a better year. I have to admit, 2008 was like hell. It had some good points...but man it had some really testing times. I could only pray that it doesn't keep going down hill. *sigh* I made it through tho. That's good! :)
I didn't start 2009 out the way I wanted to... I can still make up for it, I hope.
The first day of the year, I had to work. Then I had to stay later because one of my co-workers didn't feel good. I wasn't feeling so hot due to a visit from that old lady with the red box(if you know what I mean). I guess I didn't mind. The night didn't end so bad. I ate a chicken sandwich, watch a TV-with my boyfriend (yea, that guy again, for whoever has a dang problem with me spending time with him! Stop hating!) Then got around to watching that Benjamin Button movie...GREAT MOVIE by the way. It's really really touching. Story telling was awesome. Characters were lovable. It had some sad points and just things you knew was going to happen. It's life. Only down fall, that movie is LONG as heck!! If you got about 2 1/2 to 3 hours to spare, go on and do it.

I never got a chance to tell anyone my New Years resolution... then again, I don't really think anyone cares, too. That could be a big part of it. Hmmm....
Well, of course as everyone else's maybe, I wanna be a better person. Within everyday I wanna improve myself and because an all around better person. I wanna control my temper. I wanna learn to laugh at myself and don't take things so seriously. I wanna take things for what they are worth and look at the whole picture. I wanna get a better understanding of myself and the people I love.
I want to eat healthier...PERIOD. I eat a lot, but it's not always good. Sometimes I don't eat, and it's just plain sugar.I wanna get out of that.
I want to start exercising. I don't wanna be a trainer or anything. Just keeping fit and taking care of myself.
I want to learn how to budget a little better. Everyone needs to...who's not making that Paris Hilton money.
I want to do some volunteer work helping out old people or kids. You can learn a lot from both perspectives.
I want to enjoy life more. I want to take a trip or go out of town at least once this year.
I want to help my mom with her hopes and dreams. I'm only one person, but two heads are better than one.
I want to get back close with my bestfriends. I miss them so much.
I want to get my cat neutered...that's more of an to-do list thing than an resolution. Hehe...
I want to get rid of the clutter in my home that keeps me back from doing what I have to do.
I want to finish a book.
I want to slow down on my coffee drinking. LOL
I want to stop procrastinating. That has stop me from getting a lot done for years.
I want to become more business minded. Learn more about the business I am going into.
I want to get a better understanding for my religion. Everyone needs a center ground.
And last but not least, I want to how to cope with life's big disappointments.
It seems like a lot, but I think if I get down to it, it came be accomplished.
Well, as where I've been for the past few months now, I gotta go home now. (work) I basically live there now. :( Wish I got paid more.
Til next time. Make the most of this year, people.