So, most people I meet in person either notice one of the three things about me: My smile, my personality and my height. I usually don't wear shoes that give me an extra boost and maybe I should...but that would be cutting into my beliefs again "false advertising". LOL!
Particularly today, I feel like my height has screwed me over again for success when I opened an email seeing that there was a fashion show coming up. NOT just any fashion show...the Victoria Secret Fashion Show! They are looking for models to be on it. It's a once in a lifetime chance to do this (so they say). What are the requirements? You have to be a female, live in America, 18-30 years old, can be in NY between Oct30-Dec3, and must be 5'8 in height bare feet. I am only 5'4 and 3 quarters. Ugh...it's not fair. But I'm not gonna give up. Eventually, something will come around for me, hopefully before I'm 30.
Today is a gray cloudy rainy-like looking day. I got out of the shower to hear the ice cream truck's little music. So, obviously he was making his rounds. One thing is,why today? Of all days. I haven't heard from him in like 3 weeks and now today!? How did he even get in the neighborhood!? I been trying to get some ice cream from him since I first seen him in the neighborhood...but I can't seem to catch him. One day I will...One day.
I start back school tomorrow and I'm not really looking forward to that at all. I guess so I can finish but waking up at 7am...it's got to be a better way!! Hopefully I'll do well this quarter and make it threw with flying colors. Wish me luck. :)
I guess I'm gonna go now. I been trying to do my hair all day! I don't know what to do with it though...
Love hard and play hard
Til next time