Man, I tell ya. I been having some of the most Drama-filled days at work lately.(Decided not to go into that, thanks a lot King Jerm) Well anyway,
After another stressful day at work (it shouldn't be that way) I came home to my bookie :) and he saw I was stressed. Well, he looked up a local comedy show and well, we went. Now, I was hoping this was going to be good...you know, at least funny enough.
Man, I was so wrong.
OK, where do I start?
We find the place and it looks like a abandoned building. (strike one) Then there was no sign to tell you what this place was. Just the street number. (that one is included in the strike one) We were about to go back home til we pulled around back and saw people standing at the door. [yes! this is the place!] We get out. We walk to the door. As we approached, we notice those people standing there wasn't in line. No, they were just chillin. Ok...cool. I guess. Well, the thing said it's $7. So we're looking for someone to pay. Nobody wanted to take out money. [odd] We asked some guy was this the place and what not. He said it's down stairs. We went down stairs. As we went down, there was this music playing really loud. [sound like metallica- and it was] I ran into a lady and asked her what was going on. She said the show was going to start soon and that it was a weird night. [tu' che]-I guess that's how you spell it. We sat down and looked at the stage. It appeared to be a guy playing the guitar and very well might I add. Then my man pointed out a very important detail.- this dude was playing guitar hero. (smh) He was doing really REALLY good...but wouldn't it have been more amazing if he was doing the same thing on a real guitar? I don't know....not hating! So anyway, dude got through the song and I guess he was feeling it...REALLY feeling it. He broke his guitar on the ground...
After it wouldn't break on the ground, he tried the wall. It worked. Then he screamed and jumped off stage. [bravo...bravo] So now it was time for the comedy! Unfortunately, we came on a night where it was some dude's birthday and apparently everyone in the room knew this guy but us, so they did a roast on him. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO FORCE YOURSELF TO LAUGH?!?!?!?! Oh my gosh!!! WHAT DA HELL!?! I didn't get any of the jokes, except for the gay ones, but how many times are we going to do that one. And you know what? The funniest person was the guy sitting behind me laughing at everything because he had the most f***'d up laugh ever...and it also sound like he was forcing himself to laugh. NOT A GOOD LOOK, PEOPLE!!! And the guy they were roasting, he was drunk by the time he had his turn to go up there and joke. wow....so he said the same thing over and over and OVER again. wow. Now, these seem like some really great people and all...I just didn't understand. It should of been more....people friendly. [For those who don't know you.] I did have a good time after the show...I went to Waffle House. After the show, there were these break danceing kids. They were really good. I enjoyed that. I would of just paid to see that. But as soon as they were done, we dipped. No more comedy for me! Maybe I can catch them when they are doing regular stuff. First impressions are lasting ones, dudes. Remember that.
One day, I'm going to look back at this and...find those guys for ruining the rest of my saturday night!!
Til next time.