You know that saying, "when it rains, it pours"? OH my gosh they wasn't lying on that one. Where do I start? First of all, it's been a hell of a week. I just can't wait for it to be over. I'm so looking forward to my first Friday and Saturday off in a while. I would talk about my crazy week at work but I don't wanna be one of those unsuspecting bloggers who's managers just so happen to stumble across the stuff...you know? So, let's scratch that. (even though that's one of the main things that went wrong this week.) Well it's very close to finals and everything is due and there's no time. I been working a lot, I don't have time to do any school work. Not good!! It was pretty good not working as far as in getting stuff done, but I was broke. Now I have a job, no time and still broke. Hmmm...how does that work!? I didn't get a chance to work on or turn in my video assignment because ONE, the camera my team member rented out wasn't so called working. It was working, she just forgot to push something in on the tape. TWO, she took the camera with her home for Thanksgiving making it so I couldn't get my extra footage I needed. THREE, my whole group depends on me to do EVERYTHING!!! So when I don't come through, everyone fails. Ugh. I hate being depended on for everything. It never works for me. Plus I found out financial aid is cutting me off. ugh. what am I gonna do now!? Then, I had to do a 3 page paper which I didn't finish the whole thing til it was time to go! I had to hurry to class because my instructor likes to get things started right away. On my way to school, I was eating a little debbie snack and I dropped it. I looked down to get it and BAM!! I ran into some guy's back!! Of all things!! I had to do...I run into someone!! Dammit!! Funny thing about all of this and it's a little creepy, everything I thought today, happened. I thought, I'm gonna be late. I was. when I got in the car, I thought that song "I think I fallen for you" would be on. It was. I thought I might hit someone tonight. I did. I was gonna get some food for me and my roomie and thought the place would be closed by the time I got there. It was. I thought my roomie would come home late. They did. Uggggh. what the hell is up today?!?! Seriously. I mean, it could be worst but I don't know...I guess I'm stressing. I guess I should just lay down. But in the meantime, I think I need a drink...cocoa that is.
Lay your head on my pillow and just relax...relax...relax, this bed was made for you...
til next time.