Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey people out there?!
I know it's been a long time since I've wrote and wow, I need to get better on that. It's just a lot has been going on in my life lately. Nothing is a big wake up call than seeing one of your favorite sites who USE TO have you as a affiliate take you off. Ouch. Well, I guess I gotta move on, eh?
On other news, Thanksgiving just passed and it was WONDERFUL! It was great seeing my family and a few friends. One of my close friends came back from the military (National Guards). Always good seeing him. I was going to make a pie for everyone but that whole idea just went wrong. My mom used one of my ingredients for my pie and I didn't feel like going to the store. :( I went to the aunt's house just to miss most of the food and to sit in the dark for 30 mins. Yay! After that, went to a club my dad DJ's at. Nobody was there but us and a two or three couples. It was ok, though. We didn't expect there to be that many people anyway. Then I had to go home because I had to work on Black Friday (which was a big flop) and I had to bring home a plate for someone who had to work on Thanksgiving day. :( Today, I'm going to work...Oh yea, I got a job! Did I mention that?! I been there for 3 weeks now. It's ok. It's a job. The people are cool, I suppose. lol. I don't know everyone just yet. I just remembered I had a paper due Sunday...UGH! I need to start on that. I hate when teachers give you an assignment during Thanksgiving break! Like you're really going to want to do it! Hmmm...
Did I mention that this Black Friday was one of the saddest ones? It was like no rush anywhere, not really crowded anywhere you went and there was parking at the malls!! What is going on?
Lately, I been listening to other types of music besides the usual R&B and some Hip Hop. Hip Hop and R&B are really starting to sound a lot alike and is really boring me. (to death) It's to the point where I cringe when I hear it. ugh. You know if you hear a song you hate so much, you get that annoyed feel and cringe or something? Yeah, something like that. So...yeah, seeing what's on the other side. I been listening to oldies but I'm checking them out again too. :)
well, I have to get ready to go to work. That sounds funny with me saying that. I got so use to not having a job, it's just weird saying that. haha.
Til next time!
Love one another ....and don't backstab people who are there for you for people you don't know.