Thursday, October 7, 2010

Feels good

10:45am- Oh damn, I'm late!! I had to be to work at 11am. Am I still on CPT? I was hoping I would of broken out of that again...maybe not. I need to work on that.
Work wasn't bad, at all. Kinda slow but steady. We got new menus! (yay for hatch chili!)
I actually got to school on time...just to find out the instructor wasn't there. So we had a sub. The sub is one of the "norm" teachers...strange guy but funny. I'm taking Intermediate 3D modeling...again. Gah! When will it end???
Since I'm around a computer, I checked my email. To my surprise, I got an email from my first love. I hate to admit, it brought tears to my eyes,being that I thought I will never hear from him again. It's funny because I was thinking about him earlier and last night before I went to bed. No matter how hard I try, everything reminds me of him...down to Mayer Hawthorne, Big Bang Theory, Scott Pilgrim, Jelly Beans, Hawaiian Punch and cats. *Sigh* I was telling someone about the time we went to the haunted house. -_- I figured maybe Usher was right...I do have it bad. But seriously, what can I do?? I try so hard to let go...I just can't. Am I crazy?
So anyway, after reading his email, I did feel a little better. I didn't feel like such a sap. I realized out relationship throughout the years and I had the best time of my life. I experienced a lot, learned a lot, and just enjoyed his company. I've haven't quite been able to run into another guy who I click with the way I did with him. It's kinda good and bad... Good because that means he's special. Bad because I'll probably never get married now. Damn. But hey, marriage isn't everything. I am glad to know he still loves me somewhere in his heart. I always wondered how could you stop loving someone so quick. I'm still hoping one day he will want to be my friend because I always loved him as a friend before we were together. I'm trying to be ok with the fact he's moved on and doesn't want to be with me anymore...ever. And eventually, I will...I hope. For now, I'm focusing on school, work, and getting myself together. One day, I'll have my own place again, get my cat back, and my life. Til then, I'm just a girl living in a living room of a nagging gay man who drives a moped. *sigh*
Well, gotta get ready for a birthday dinner's the second one this week. What's with October babies?!
Til next time,

I forgive you.


Corey said...

Don't go searching for love. Love will find you. I've been thru what you're going thru, and its not easy to get over. But soon that person you've been waiting for will be there. God Bless.

Jayivey said...

Thanks, Corey. Nice words there. :) You made me feel a little better about things. Thanks.